lung disease complications of diabetes?
A study by the University of California at Berkeley, where the patient data were analyzed by 120,000 patients, points out that with diabetes are more likely to have chronic smoker's bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia and pulmonary fibrosis non-diabetics. Conversely, the lung cancer risk of not being increased. The above-mentioned lung diseases connect the opinion of pulmonary doctors of the German Society of Pneumology on especially if blood sugar levels are not optimal. One explanation for the increased susceptibility to lung disease in diabetics has not been found, but it is assumed that is worsened by diabetes and the lung function so that patients are more susceptible to lung diseases.
We go to our support group believes that the lungs are damaged as a highly perfused organ, just like other organs through which the acid attacks flood the vessel walls, which in turn a bacterial infection does feed and leads to a weakening of the immune system. One should therefore talk with their doctor about screening and treatment (eg asthma). In addition, it can not hurt, with a suitable inhaler to inhale an essential oil that is effective against bacteria. In aromatherapy, one knows a number of suitable oils, such as thyme oil, peppermint oil, chamomile oil, etc.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Nair Is Still Burning
Prostate disease and milk
Milk makes merry men
Or should one say milk is active
sick men?
Increased risk of prostate cancer from too much milk
American scientists have evaluated in a study of data from more than 300,000 European and American men from twelve previous studies and found that men who consume more dairy products, an increased by 30 percent
risk have to of developing prostate cancer than men who consume little milk. The researchers speculate that larger amounts of calcium, which is present in numerous
the milk, the production of vitamin D suppresses the body. This preventive effect against prostate cancer is prevented by vitamin D.
soybean, cabbage and tomatoes
- good for men
men can reduce their risk of developing prostate cancer by eating smarter. Prof. Dr. Jens says the old wine, chief of the Urology Department at the Munich hospital
Brothers of Charity in the journal Health Pharmacies
Umschau. Eat like the Asians, is one of his tips. In China, less than two
of 100,000 men diagnosed with prostate cancer. In this country there are about 25 times as many.
Prof. Altwein therefore recommends to eat like the Asians. That is about the consumption of meat to favor
bright flavors: More chicken and less beef and pork. Also in
the products from the soybean, which are very popular in Asian countries, he provides protective agents against prostate cancer. mentioned Blumenund Brussels sprouts, broccoli and other cabbage
Glokosinolate that should also have a protective effect. Three tablespoons of flaxseed
a day, many tomatoes and extra virgin oil, such as olive oil, are more tips from the pharmacy of nature. Not from China, but still good: "A glass of red wine per day
makes sense," says Prof. old wine.
soy metabolite, is effective against prostate cancer, the scientists
Trent Lund of the State University of Colorado, has discovered that the body resulting soy metabolite "equol" the effect of dihydroxy testosterone
(DHT) stops, which is responsible for the development of prostate cancer. Equol
accumulates in the intestines of the hormone (DHT) and then prevents it docks to cells. Furthermore, DHT has a strong effect on the skin and hair growth. Now it is the presumption equol hair loss also can fight. The effect of the soy-metabolite
could also explain why Europeans and Americans to suffer more prostate cancer than Asian men
with their soy-rich diet.
Milk makes merry men
Or should one say milk is active
sick men?
Increased risk of prostate cancer from too much milk
American scientists have evaluated in a study of data from more than 300,000 European and American men from twelve previous studies and found that men who consume more dairy products, an increased by 30 percent
risk have to of developing prostate cancer than men who consume little milk. The researchers speculate that larger amounts of calcium, which is present in numerous
the milk, the production of vitamin D suppresses the body. This preventive effect against prostate cancer is prevented by vitamin D.
soybean, cabbage and tomatoes
- good for men
men can reduce their risk of developing prostate cancer by eating smarter. Prof. Dr. Jens says the old wine, chief of the Urology Department at the Munich hospital
Brothers of Charity in the journal Health Pharmacies
Umschau. Eat like the Asians, is one of his tips. In China, less than two
of 100,000 men diagnosed with prostate cancer. In this country there are about 25 times as many.
Prof. Altwein therefore recommends to eat like the Asians. That is about the consumption of meat to favor
bright flavors: More chicken and less beef and pork. Also in
the products from the soybean, which are very popular in Asian countries, he provides protective agents against prostate cancer. mentioned Blumenund Brussels sprouts, broccoli and other cabbage
Glokosinolate that should also have a protective effect. Three tablespoons of flaxseed
a day, many tomatoes and extra virgin oil, such as olive oil, are more tips from the pharmacy of nature. Not from China, but still good: "A glass of red wine per day
makes sense," says Prof. old wine.
soy metabolite, is effective against prostate cancer, the scientists
Trent Lund of the State University of Colorado, has discovered that the body resulting soy metabolite "equol" the effect of dihydroxy testosterone
(DHT) stops, which is responsible for the development of prostate cancer. Equol
accumulates in the intestines of the hormone (DHT) and then prevents it docks to cells. Furthermore, DHT has a strong effect on the skin and hair growth. Now it is the presumption equol hair loss also can fight. The effect of the soy-metabolite
could also explain why Europeans and Americans to suffer more prostate cancer than Asian men
with their soy-rich diet.
Broken Blood Vessel In Lip
orthomolecular medicine what is it?
What is Orthomolecular Medicine?
More and more people are convinced that a balanced diet is essential for good health. Increasingly, the question is whether today's foods are more suited to a sufficient extent for a healthy diet. In this context, often summarized as "orthomolecular medicine". This - even micro-vital substance medicine called - is the scientific basis for prevention and treatment of diet-and environment-related diseases by the selective use of vital materials dar.
vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids and fatty acids to the human organism regularly in sufficient quantities supplied with food be because he does not itself produce. Even the absence of a single vital substance can decrease productivity: non-specific symptoms such as lethargy, increased infections, poor concentration and irritability occur and often can not be explained. There are in our foods these substances do not have enough available, we rely on a supply by so-called dietary supplements.
prepares long term deficiency of vital substances even slowly and silently to the ground for serious diseases such as atherosclerosis, type II diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis and rheumatism. From the large number of necessary nutrients the body needs from a few very small Quantities - the so-called trace elements. They are also called micro-nutrients and take in every cell of the human organism vital functions.
The immune system, nerve cells, the work of the muscle fibers and many other functions depend on the optimal care from all the nutrients. As building blocks of enzymes are involved in more than 100 000 complex metabolic processes. All nutrients must be at the right time, right place and in the concentration judge be present for the finely tuned interplay of cells, tissues and organs functioning smoothly. Without this wide range of minerals - vitamins - amino acids it comes to metabolic disorders that result have that we pave the way for many diseases to our body. We now know a great many such diseases are defined using the umbrella term "diseases of civilization". None of these so-called diseases of civilization must be, any form of degenerative change are dramatic signs of under-supply our bodies with the appropriate materials.
The term "orthomolecular" - literally - the "right molecules" - or in essence "the right nutrients," was the American biochemist Professor Dr. Linus Pauling (1901 - 1994) marked the two-time Nobel Laureate. formulated in 1968 the basic principle: "Orthomolecular Medicine of the maintenance of good health and treating disease by changing the concentrations of substances in the human body, which should normally be present in the body and health is necessary." Linus Pauling led many studies of vitamin C and showed how many diseases we cure only with the addition of vitamin C can prevent or even. Despite the many predictions to the pharmaceutical, vitamin C is not needed in such high doses, you guess at the ortho-molecular medicine, take a vitamin C and that at high doses, it prolongs your life! Conclusion
Everyone is thus dependent on the regular and balanced supply of micro nutrients found in the quantities that should usually located in the cells of his body. Only as the prerequisite for correct metabolic flow and optimal performance of the human organism is ensured. Thus, the central area of influence of orthomolecular medicine is not only prevention of diseases in the therapy accompanying transfer of micro vital substances in case of illness. I maintain targeted medication with vitamins / minerals / amino acids, etc. can be cured any disease. Try it out, you can find out about it and forget the many TV reports the above reports to the contrary, because most stations are on sale, sale by the pharmaceutical giants.
What is Orthomolecular Medicine?
More and more people are convinced that a balanced diet is essential for good health. Increasingly, the question is whether today's foods are more suited to a sufficient extent for a healthy diet. In this context, often summarized as "orthomolecular medicine". This - even micro-vital substance medicine called - is the scientific basis for prevention and treatment of diet-and environment-related diseases by the selective use of vital materials dar.
vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids and fatty acids to the human organism regularly in sufficient quantities supplied with food be because he does not itself produce. Even the absence of a single vital substance can decrease productivity: non-specific symptoms such as lethargy, increased infections, poor concentration and irritability occur and often can not be explained. There are in our foods these substances do not have enough available, we rely on a supply by so-called dietary supplements.
prepares long term deficiency of vital substances even slowly and silently to the ground for serious diseases such as atherosclerosis, type II diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis and rheumatism. From the large number of necessary nutrients the body needs from a few very small Quantities - the so-called trace elements. They are also called micro-nutrients and take in every cell of the human organism vital functions.
The immune system, nerve cells, the work of the muscle fibers and many other functions depend on the optimal care from all the nutrients. As building blocks of enzymes are involved in more than 100 000 complex metabolic processes. All nutrients must be at the right time, right place and in the concentration judge be present for the finely tuned interplay of cells, tissues and organs functioning smoothly. Without this wide range of minerals - vitamins - amino acids it comes to metabolic disorders that result have that we pave the way for many diseases to our body. We now know a great many such diseases are defined using the umbrella term "diseases of civilization". None of these so-called diseases of civilization must be, any form of degenerative change are dramatic signs of under-supply our bodies with the appropriate materials.
The term "orthomolecular" - literally - the "right molecules" - or in essence "the right nutrients," was the American biochemist Professor Dr. Linus Pauling (1901 - 1994) marked the two-time Nobel Laureate. formulated in 1968 the basic principle: "Orthomolecular Medicine of the maintenance of good health and treating disease by changing the concentrations of substances in the human body, which should normally be present in the body and health is necessary." Linus Pauling led many studies of vitamin C and showed how many diseases we cure only with the addition of vitamin C can prevent or even. Despite the many predictions to the pharmaceutical, vitamin C is not needed in such high doses, you guess at the ortho-molecular medicine, take a vitamin C and that at high doses, it prolongs your life! Conclusion
Everyone is thus dependent on the regular and balanced supply of micro nutrients found in the quantities that should usually located in the cells of his body. Only as the prerequisite for correct metabolic flow and optimal performance of the human organism is ensured. Thus, the central area of influence of orthomolecular medicine is not only prevention of diseases in the therapy accompanying transfer of micro vital substances in case of illness. I maintain targeted medication with vitamins / minerals / amino acids, etc. can be cured any disease. Try it out, you can find out about it and forget the many TV reports the above reports to the contrary, because most stations are on sale, sale by the pharmaceutical giants.
How To Take Out The Phlegm From A Baby
Hippocratic oath
Hippocratic oath, the Hippocratic oath means
Self cooking ichtung of physicians
and was the Greek physician and writer Hippocrates (ca.
460-370 BC.) Formulated in his medical writings:
"I swear Appolon the physician and Asclepius and Hygieia and Panacea and all the gods and goddesses
summoning witnesses, that I will fulfill to the best of fortune ichtung
and Case this oath and this board: the one who taught me this art equal to my parents , Eighth share with him a living and him if he is in need
mitzuversorgen; equivalent to his descendants to my brothers and
when do they teach them this art without pay and without a contract;
advice and lectures and all other instruction to my and my teachers tell children, as well as the students who are on medical practice bound by the treaty and the oath ichtet food supply, but otherwise no one. I will take my regulations for the benefit
and benefit of the sick, the best of our ability and appeal; I will keep them from harm and injustice
arbitrary. I am no one, not even to a request to administer a deadly poison or even to guess. Also, I will never give a woman an abortifacient. Holy and pure, I will guard my life and my art.
I, too, I do not operate the bladder stone, but leave it to those, whose business it is
. Which houses I enter, I will come to use and profit of the sick, myself included any arbitrary injustice or any other injury, including all works of
lust of the bodies of women and men, free and slave. What I see in
treatment or hear or even outside the treatment in people's lives, I will, as far as one can not divulge, may withhold and consider such a secret. If I put this Eid fill and not infringed let me in life and in art success given
be and fame among all men into eternity;. When I will transgress and perjure myself, the opposite "
by the World Medical Association in 1948 at Geneva recast layer of the medical Berufspfl in
based on the Hippocratic oath, by the German Medical Assembly following modi fied):
"When I was admitted to the final medical profession I solemnly pledge myself to make my life in the service of humanity
. I will practice my profession with conscience and dignity
. The preservation and restoration of health of my patients
to top be my first consideration. I will be all my care
true secrets even after the death of the patient out. I will with all my power, the
honor and the noble traditions of the medical profession and maintained in the exercise of my medical Pfl layers make no difference neither in religion, nationality, race or party affiliation after
position or social. I would have placed in every human life from conception to respect and not use my medical skills, even under threat in opposition to the dictates of humanity. I will prove my teachers and colleagues, the respect due. All this I solemnly promise upon my honor. "
If we now no longer with the gods of ancient Greece vows to
and a few other things added together simplistic, yet remains concise
text of Hippocrates by analogy to refer to the revised version, which reads:
"I am nobody services, and also not a request, a deadly poison administered
or only suggest. ". In the new version, this sounds something like this: "The condition
and restore the health of my patient will be the top priority of my actions."
are still prescribed without Skruppel Chemotherapiehen to kill, despite the clear knowledge that man. Man has to wonder, then, how long this systematic killing
still "legal" is. Does the success rate of this method for itself. What interests are behind all this should be clear once you consider the cost of just one session
of many that must leave most of the patients endure. When it is finally clear to any doctor that he only slowly so that people kill, rather than helping them. I therefore call on all physicians it with your conscience can not be reconciled, to the traditional but
useless way to combat cancer. that finally stop this organized
killing one and is looking for new ways to finally success in combating of cancer can show.
Hippocratic oath, the Hippocratic oath means
Self cooking ichtung of physicians
and was the Greek physician and writer Hippocrates (ca.
460-370 BC.) Formulated in his medical writings:
"I swear Appolon the physician and Asclepius and Hygieia and Panacea and all the gods and goddesses
summoning witnesses, that I will fulfill to the best of fortune ichtung
and Case this oath and this board: the one who taught me this art equal to my parents , Eighth share with him a living and him if he is in need
mitzuversorgen; equivalent to his descendants to my brothers and
when do they teach them this art without pay and without a contract;
advice and lectures and all other instruction to my and my teachers tell children, as well as the students who are on medical practice bound by the treaty and the oath ichtet food supply, but otherwise no one. I will take my regulations for the benefit
and benefit of the sick, the best of our ability and appeal; I will keep them from harm and injustice
arbitrary. I am no one, not even to a request to administer a deadly poison or even to guess. Also, I will never give a woman an abortifacient. Holy and pure, I will guard my life and my art.
I, too, I do not operate the bladder stone, but leave it to those, whose business it is
. Which houses I enter, I will come to use and profit of the sick, myself included any arbitrary injustice or any other injury, including all works of
lust of the bodies of women and men, free and slave. What I see in
treatment or hear or even outside the treatment in people's lives, I will, as far as one can not divulge, may withhold and consider such a secret. If I put this Eid fill and not infringed let me in life and in art success given
be and fame among all men into eternity;. When I will transgress and perjure myself, the opposite "
by the World Medical Association in 1948 at Geneva recast layer of the medical Berufspfl in
based on the Hippocratic oath, by the German Medical Assembly following modi fied):
"When I was admitted to the final medical profession I solemnly pledge myself to make my life in the service of humanity
. I will practice my profession with conscience and dignity
. The preservation and restoration of health of my patients
to top be my first consideration. I will be all my care
true secrets even after the death of the patient out. I will with all my power, the
honor and the noble traditions of the medical profession and maintained in the exercise of my medical Pfl layers make no difference neither in religion, nationality, race or party affiliation after
position or social. I would have placed in every human life from conception to respect and not use my medical skills, even under threat in opposition to the dictates of humanity. I will prove my teachers and colleagues, the respect due. All this I solemnly promise upon my honor. "
If we now no longer with the gods of ancient Greece vows to
and a few other things added together simplistic, yet remains concise
text of Hippocrates by analogy to refer to the revised version, which reads:
"I am nobody services, and also not a request, a deadly poison administered
or only suggest. ". In the new version, this sounds something like this: "The condition
and restore the health of my patient will be the top priority of my actions."
are still prescribed without Skruppel Chemotherapiehen to kill, despite the clear knowledge that man. Man has to wonder, then, how long this systematic killing
still "legal" is. Does the success rate of this method for itself. What interests are behind all this should be clear once you consider the cost of just one session
of many that must leave most of the patients endure. When it is finally clear to any doctor that he only slowly so that people kill, rather than helping them. I therefore call on all physicians it with your conscience can not be reconciled, to the traditional but
useless way to combat cancer. that finally stop this organized
killing one and is looking for new ways to finally success in combating of cancer can show.
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business with disease
Business with the disease - the suppression of natural health
Under pressure from the pharmaceutical industry prepares for the European Commission are currently developing several
draft laws designed to prevent the dissemination of vital health information and free
access to natural food supplement programs. Our health is the
economic interests of the pharmaceutical industry to be sacrificed! To doing business with the disease continue to operate
can the health interests of millions of people are put at risk.
Every year millions of Europeans from heart and circulatory Disease, stroke and cancer, although there is scientific evidence that many of these diseases with no side effects and natural dietary supplement programs could be prevented. To date, over 10,000 studies published in the scientific press and on the Internet, which point to the importance of vitamin therapies and food supplements
programs with essential micronutrients. Where
hinschaut eye: pharmacies pharmacies. 20% of television advertising is occupied by the pharmaceutical industry. Since
should be clear so what would happen if the medicine of healing and not the extension and modifi cation
prescribe disease would. Unthinkable, for the pharmaceutical lobby would be unemployed
. Therefore, it is important to fool the public and manipulate. Even the government has no interest
that the taxpayers are over 100 years old. Collect taxes yes - pension pay
no! The information we get served by advertising or so-called experts and are by no means certain journals are confidential and should of false security.
information are difficult to obtain, such as via the Internet, written by people who do not have the means to launch large
Werbekamagnen are more trustworthy. So how are laws for the people
made in Europe and doctrines imposed upon us without asking, which certainly does not serve to heal, but
renewing crane obligations? Have you ever wondered who chooses the EU Commission
? As far as I know not the European people. Given that high-level positions of power distributed to the people
their distribution has no control. Adopted legal texts but are
on existing laws of EU countries, whose government in turn is elected by the people. And that of course opens the doors
for corruption and manipulation that would surely be beyond question. Representatives of large corporations have a free hand in enforcing
interest-compliant EU laws. The people will not pay this but gerfragt
whole hocus-pocus with his taxes. In thanks, we are being lied to that trooper and
our health is put at risk knowingly. The EU Commission to act as a "cabinet"
Europe, the "offi cially" "writes" the draft laws in Europe - is elected by no one but
is appointed. EU commissioners are members of management and supervisory boards of the pharmaceutical industry and other
large corporations (eg Commissioner Frits Bolkestein). Conclusion: The pharmaceutical industry and other large corporations
dictate the Commission's draft legislation. EU parliamentary committees Gestzesentwürfe of the big companies are disguised as bills by the EU Commission. The "commission" templates are only discussed in committees and forwarded to the European Parliament. To camouflage get these templates also called "directives" (which is probably meant the "dictation" of the pharmaceutical lobby, etc.).
Conclusion: the EU parliament committee serves as a democratic fig leaf in order to give the impression that "experts" make the public good in the law. EU - P arliament MEPs
have little knowledge of issues. You do not know, for example, that vitamins have no side effects and the
every year hundreds of thousands of people in the Side effects of pharmaceutical products die. They nod Bills (- "directives") from favorite playing grounds without comment. Only ensure you get paid with our tax money. Conclusion: The EU Parliament is against the people of Europe by no constitution
ichtet Commit. are referendums and other forms not say it! National parliaments
The Bundestag and the other national parliaments must implement the EU directives and laws! We should
begin to wake up and take our health into our own hands. Get yourself healthy!
I'll show you. Make an appointment with me for a viable future. A poem I
quickly prescribed a remedies, and distributed the discomfort.
counter adverse reaction then moves on to a not share resources.
And the new funds? Right! Knowing this is very important, it helps a headache plagues
it sure beats the stomach. Now recovering from the stomach, but it then goes to
the kidneys. Spraying helps in this case, and immediately notify the bile.
The man then treats a day until the headache unbearable. At this stage
helps then just an extended course of treatment. There are totally uninhibited new means tested.
entsteh'n So from healthy core by and by the physician customers.
ends the cycle ever, thanks to the pharmaceutical industry. For the final analysis, the healthy
all just lost that customer.
(Lothar Thielmann)
Business with the disease - the suppression of natural health
Under pressure from the pharmaceutical industry prepares for the European Commission are currently developing several
draft laws designed to prevent the dissemination of vital health information and free
access to natural food supplement programs. Our health is the
economic interests of the pharmaceutical industry to be sacrificed! To doing business with the disease continue to operate
can the health interests of millions of people are put at risk.
Every year millions of Europeans from heart and circulatory Disease, stroke and cancer, although there is scientific evidence that many of these diseases with no side effects and natural dietary supplement programs could be prevented. To date, over 10,000 studies published in the scientific press and on the Internet, which point to the importance of vitamin therapies and food supplements
programs with essential micronutrients. Where
hinschaut eye: pharmacies pharmacies. 20% of television advertising is occupied by the pharmaceutical industry. Since
should be clear so what would happen if the medicine of healing and not the extension and modifi cation
prescribe disease would. Unthinkable, for the pharmaceutical lobby would be unemployed
. Therefore, it is important to fool the public and manipulate. Even the government has no interest
that the taxpayers are over 100 years old. Collect taxes yes - pension pay
no! The information we get served by advertising or so-called experts and are by no means certain journals are confidential and should of false security.
information are difficult to obtain, such as via the Internet, written by people who do not have the means to launch large
Werbekamagnen are more trustworthy. So how are laws for the people
made in Europe and doctrines imposed upon us without asking, which certainly does not serve to heal, but
renewing crane obligations? Have you ever wondered who chooses the EU Commission
? As far as I know not the European people. Given that high-level positions of power distributed to the people
their distribution has no control. Adopted legal texts but are
on existing laws of EU countries, whose government in turn is elected by the people. And that of course opens the doors
for corruption and manipulation that would surely be beyond question. Representatives of large corporations have a free hand in enforcing
interest-compliant EU laws. The people will not pay this but gerfragt
whole hocus-pocus with his taxes. In thanks, we are being lied to that trooper and
our health is put at risk knowingly. The EU Commission to act as a "cabinet"
Europe, the "offi cially" "writes" the draft laws in Europe - is elected by no one but
is appointed. EU commissioners are members of management and supervisory boards of the pharmaceutical industry and other
large corporations (eg Commissioner Frits Bolkestein). Conclusion: The pharmaceutical industry and other large corporations
dictate the Commission's draft legislation. EU parliamentary committees Gestzesentwürfe of the big companies are disguised as bills by the EU Commission. The "commission" templates are only discussed in committees and forwarded to the European Parliament. To camouflage get these templates also called "directives" (which is probably meant the "dictation" of the pharmaceutical lobby, etc.).
Conclusion: the EU parliament committee serves as a democratic fig leaf in order to give the impression that "experts" make the public good in the law. EU - P arliament MEPs
have little knowledge of issues. You do not know, for example, that vitamins have no side effects and the
every year hundreds of thousands of people in the Side effects of pharmaceutical products die. They nod Bills (- "directives") from favorite playing grounds without comment. Only ensure you get paid with our tax money. Conclusion: The EU Parliament is against the people of Europe by no constitution
ichtet Commit. are referendums and other forms not say it! National parliaments
The Bundestag and the other national parliaments must implement the EU directives and laws! We should
begin to wake up and take our health into our own hands. Get yourself healthy!
I'll show you. Make an appointment with me for a viable future. A poem I
quickly prescribed a remedies, and distributed the discomfort.
counter adverse reaction then moves on to a not share resources.
And the new funds? Right! Knowing this is very important, it helps a headache plagues
it sure beats the stomach. Now recovering from the stomach, but it then goes to
the kidneys. Spraying helps in this case, and immediately notify the bile.
The man then treats a day until the headache unbearable. At this stage
helps then just an extended course of treatment. There are totally uninhibited new means tested.
entsteh'n So from healthy core by and by the physician customers.
ends the cycle ever, thanks to the pharmaceutical industry. For the final analysis, the healthy
all just lost that customer.
(Lothar Thielmann)
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
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laws of physics supported joggers and walkers
Now you see them back on roads, woods and fields: the joggers and walkers. "Setting a good example!" Is the motto for jogging and walking is healthy, everyone knows that. But why a continuous run or walk a tight is so healthy? The answer to this question is clear: When Jogen and walking, the force of muscles and tendons incurred in order to move forward and contribute to the natural gravity towards the earth. This power, which has won the body through the food consumed by burning up fat and sugar from and muscle mass. Or so the answer would probably be an expert on the question. For a diabetic or a diabetic, so just those two sports have two important advantages: the slow but steady weight loss and the regulation of blood sugar levels.
This is the effect of the physical law of gravity or gravity adequately explained. But that's not all. When jogging or walking, we not only use (excess) energy, we also new in us, namely electricity. How do we explain the physics, "fill up" so to speak, we electrical energy and charge our batteries so that the body again. The health promoting effects are to strengthen the cardiovascular system by increasing the cell membrane electrical control. The physical and mental tension increases. Responsible for this effect is another law of physics: the induction law. The explanation for this is complicated. It is known that our Earth is surrounded by a magnetic field. Near the geographic poles are the two magnetic poles, ie North and South Poles. Between these two poles are parallel to each other related field or induction lines. So we live, just like all animals and plants within this invisible field lines. If we move physically, we go through so to speak, these field lines, while we generate electrical energy that is (introduced) induced in our bodies. Without these field lines would the electrical voltage in the body cells degenerate more and more and eventually we would very soon die due to cell death. Also why it is so important that a baby begins to kick a short time after birth. So that it fills up on vital energy.
The consumption of electric energy can be further enhanced when a jogger or walker is not simply between the magnetic field lines moving, but if it is specifically and primarily moving in one direction, from east to west or vice versa. He moves deliberately across these lines of induction, so the run from north to south or vice versa. This "cross-term" causes a different law of physics: the Lorentz force. It occurs when "an electric charge carriers moved across the field lines of a magnetic field. "And since we humans, like animals who now plays electric charges in us, calls the Lorentz force produced an even greater energy intake, which has a beneficial effect especially on the heart and circulatory impairments. Diabetics who suffer from such complications of diabetes should be especially prefer the beginning of their physical activity by walking or jogging a "braked cross-loop" in order to gradually reaching a stabilization of heart and circulation.
Now you see them back on roads, woods and fields: the joggers and walkers. "Setting a good example!" Is the motto for jogging and walking is healthy, everyone knows that. But why a continuous run or walk a tight is so healthy? The answer to this question is clear: When Jogen and walking, the force of muscles and tendons incurred in order to move forward and contribute to the natural gravity towards the earth. This power, which has won the body through the food consumed by burning up fat and sugar from and muscle mass. Or so the answer would probably be an expert on the question. For a diabetic or a diabetic, so just those two sports have two important advantages: the slow but steady weight loss and the regulation of blood sugar levels.
This is the effect of the physical law of gravity or gravity adequately explained. But that's not all. When jogging or walking, we not only use (excess) energy, we also new in us, namely electricity. How do we explain the physics, "fill up" so to speak, we electrical energy and charge our batteries so that the body again. The health promoting effects are to strengthen the cardiovascular system by increasing the cell membrane electrical control. The physical and mental tension increases. Responsible for this effect is another law of physics: the induction law. The explanation for this is complicated. It is known that our Earth is surrounded by a magnetic field. Near the geographic poles are the two magnetic poles, ie North and South Poles. Between these two poles are parallel to each other related field or induction lines. So we live, just like all animals and plants within this invisible field lines. If we move physically, we go through so to speak, these field lines, while we generate electrical energy that is (introduced) induced in our bodies. Without these field lines would the electrical voltage in the body cells degenerate more and more and eventually we would very soon die due to cell death. Also why it is so important that a baby begins to kick a short time after birth. So that it fills up on vital energy.
The consumption of electric energy can be further enhanced when a jogger or walker is not simply between the magnetic field lines moving, but if it is specifically and primarily moving in one direction, from east to west or vice versa. He moves deliberately across these lines of induction, so the run from north to south or vice versa. This "cross-term" causes a different law of physics: the Lorentz force. It occurs when "an electric charge carriers moved across the field lines of a magnetic field. "And since we humans, like animals who now plays electric charges in us, calls the Lorentz force produced an even greater energy intake, which has a beneficial effect especially on the heart and circulatory impairments. Diabetics who suffer from such complications of diabetes should be especially prefer the beginning of their physical activity by walking or jogging a "braked cross-loop" in order to gradually reaching a stabilization of heart and circulation.
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