Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Aloe Vera For Hemorrhoids

Massage at FRIENDS.MED Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centre Neheim

Massage - Relax and feel comfortable with massages


A massage provides a soothing Ability to recover from the stresses of everyday life and relax.
By professionally performed massages the body is relaxed and there are new forms of energy supplied. Also be supported by a combination of spa and massage therapies, and pain relieved.
What is a massage?
A massage is carried out for centuries for relaxation or pain relief.
are especially in the Asian region Massage for something ordinary people and are therefore taken regularly to complete.
The combination of massage techniques from different countries and continents, or by sending knowledge of different massage techniques are also practiced in Europe now many different methods.
What does the massage / therapy?

means of a properly applied massage can not only release tension and alleviate pain, but the entire body enters a deep state of relaxation.
people suffering from back problems such as migraine or, by regular massage can ensure that their body remains permanently in a relaxed state as possible. In addition to regular massages and therapies, it is advisable to move as much as possible in the fresh air, to make sport and to pay attention to nutrition.
massages and treatments are also preventive sense. Over the years, the human body is subject to many stresses, which inevitably lead to tension or physical discomfort. Be it through too much paperwork, lack of exercise or due to a permanent deformity. Through the use of regular spa massages (about 1 time a week) can be brought the body into a deeply relaxed state.
Generally through the use of Massage the flow of body energy to inspire new and he developed increased self-healing powers, because the psyche has a positive influenced.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Isopure Protein Bloody Nose

trigger point treatment with FRIENDS.MED Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centre Neheim

trigger point treatment

trigger point treatment

trigger points are defined as "the center of increased irritability in the tissue, the susceptibility to pressure, causing hypersensitivity and referred pain." By initiating and entertainment factors in the Muscles, for example, by overloading or posture when pain is inadequately supplied, the muscles with oxygen, which in turn leads to a reduced supply of ATP energy suppliers. This has the consequence is that the muscle is permanently under-served in this office pulls together.

such strain once permanently present, the muscle can no longer be cared for and certainly the center where the pain, the trigger point has now formed itself

trigger points are palpable for the therapist as a selective Hardening in the muscle. The bands are more rigid in the area concerned and feel the muscle stretch on the widely observed.
expressed for the patient, the trigger point in a local pain or a pain reflex.
exercise in the treatment technique, the therapist a high ( painful) pressure to the corresponding Trigger Point.
This requires a high level of pain tolerance from the patient, which will be rewarded by a subsequent, lasting pain. It is for the relief to the disappearance of any previously felt pain.

Trigger Point Treatment thus represents a side-effect free treatment, similar to (equivalent to trigger points most of the acupuncture points) of acupuncture.

goal of trigger point therapy is to eliminate so-called myofascial pain points. They are localized hardening of the skeletal muscles, which are locally sensitive. From you, the so-called "reefered Pain", run out of "referred pain". In a trigger point, and around Him is found locally acidified tissue, it is not normal contract and the elastic.

Thus, a trigger in the shoulder girdle muscles and a pain condition in the course of the arm cause.

Another Example can be given a trigger in the Piriformis muscle that can cause a so-called "Pseudoischialgie. The sciatic nerve is stimulated in its course through this
this muscle, not by example, a herniated disc in the lumbar region.

Pinky Untouchable And Escort

Dr Wolff back fitness center at FRIENDS.MED Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centre Neheim

Targeted training prevents pain before

Targeted back training plays an essential role in the fight against back pain. make
a back training as effectively as possible, it is of great advantage to the force capabilities of the trunk muscles before a workout by a measuring unit to determine precisely. The differences between actual and set point in the entire trunk area can be recorded and will be reviewed following a goal-directed back training objective.
provides for the training practice, the question of which muscles in the preventive back training should be strengthened. The hull stabilizing muscles takes on a central function. The main task of the trunk muscles is the stabilization of the spine. Some doctors compare the upright posture of man by the muscles of the strain of a ship's mast. From this image, the system derives muscular tension from the spine.
Two groups of muscles, the abdominal and back muscles allow the trunk flexibility and keep the spine through their reciprocal activity in a stable equilibrium. Is disturbed by a lack of muscle function that balance, back pain is the direct result.
Some muscle groups are among others stressed by the sedentary at work and leisure time and little atrophy. These include weak muscles, especially the abdominal muscles, the gluteal muscles, and some muscles of the shoulder girdle and back muscles. . These muscles, it is targeted and train without excessive loads
The following exercises are examples of functional movement and proper training equipment:

abdominal muscles: for the training of the straight abdominal muscles is the crunch-crunch machine and the Bank, the feet of the training are not as fixed. A 90 ° position in the hip and knee seems particularly favorable. The upper body is rolled slowly from the supine position. Less positive effect of the leg lift or folding knife machines because they activate the hip flexors, which is already reduced in many people and amplified the symptoms.

back muscles: As part of a preventive training, in addition to the back extensors trained the muscles that act on the shoulder girdle and the shoulder joint. The training of the back extensor often takes place in the so-called hyper-extension equipment and back extension machine. When training on the hyperextension bench, the back extensors, however effective and targeted on. In the upper back muscles, strengthens one of the broad back muscles, the diamond muscle and the middle portion of the trapezius.

glutes: This large Muscle plays a central role for the correct positioning of the pelvis and thus for the spine. The training is part of this muscle in the back of each program. Hüftstreckgeräte strain on this muscle group in relative isolation and without strain.
In summary, one can assume that a well-trained belly, back and buttocks poor posture and posture and prevents the stabilization of the spine contributes.
In Friends.Med you have the chance to test free of charge by appointment to a training effect on your well-being. On the basis of an entrance test is to draw up an individual training plan. Take the opportunity to arrange an appointment at 02932 97813 and leave it by the staff of Friends.Med.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Best Female Movie Scenes

Rehasport Neheim in cooperation with the Association for Health Training and Rehabilitation Sports Association

Rehasport Neheim to promote
your health and quality of life!

In cooperation with the Association for Health Training Rehabilitation and Sports Association, Werler Str 4a. D-59755 Arnsberg, telephone. +49 (29 32) 97 81-51. Fax. 97 81-44 advice and support from qualified and dedicated physiotherapists rehab Coaches

rehabilitation sports in a sports club Neheim

directed the rehabilitation sports club at all, due to a chronic illness or disability Problems have to cope with their everyday .

are included:
  • diseases of the spine
  • musculo-skeletal system
  • diseases of the upper and lower extremities
  • posture and posture
  • Prosthetic or Endoprothesenversorgung (TEP)
  • stroke
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • cardiovascular diseases (Koronarsport)
  • arterial occlusive disease
  • asthma
  • Chronic kidney disease

What are the benefits of has rehabilitation sport for me?

Since then I have to exercise, sports and play groups participate ... ..
  • I feel much happier
  • unusual skills I learn again
  • can I do in everyday life better and safer move
  • I feel better with everyday stresses
  • I have more self esteem and confidence
  • I my own performance better assess
  • I have contact with like-minded people
  • I help myself!

What will I do with the sports rehab?

exercise to promote mobility and stabilization applied to several hours in the sports center. to rehab Sports Groups Everyone knows the peculiarities of the particular disease. Individual strengths and weaknesses by specially trained instructors (and therapists) are considered. This is about the person, not just the symptoms.

exercise programs at rehab Sport:
  • Wirbelsäulengymnastik
  • back school
  • cardiovascular training
  • games while sitting, standing and in motion
  • relaxation exercises
How do I get to rehab sport?



issue of Regulation:
application for funding of sport rehabilitation

approval by the health insurance

Association for Health Training and Sports Rehabilitation Association
phone. +49 (29 32) 97 81-51

If participation in sports rehabilitation approved by the doctor and prescribed and approved by the health insurance company takes over the health insurance costs.

For more information on our rehabilitation sports facilities get you like in our office in

Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centre Neheim
Werlerstraße 4a.
59755 Arnsberg-Neheim
Telefon (0 29 32) 97 81-3