Topics covered include in our seminar "The cook as a therapist in the nursing home":
The concept of "cooking therapists" begins with the inclusion of a new resident. In a first call (home call recording) information is exchanged by both sides. This creates a positive first contact between residents, relatives and the kitchen of the house.
seminar looks at the objectives presented the home admission interview, and an explanation given for the implementation home recording form created. Also prepared for the cooperation between residents and family members through the regular performing a cooking hours will be deepened.The presentation of the kitchen
Students will put the importance of a closer Küchenphilosphie. Hk seminars are proposals to create a kitchen paradigm. Similarly, a daily menu and a food distribution description is developed. With various activities and events for residents and their relatives (n), the kitchen set the scene.
Hk seminars are practical hints and tips on implementing a number of projects. Participants will receive inspiration for up to 30 different events, which are in the morning, have lunch, afternoon and evening sessions are divided.
The food in the nursing home
The menu reflects in a nursing home again the benefits of home cooking. He is the figurehead of the kitchen. In addition, it will be attributed to many other tasks, which presents detailed Hk seminars. Students will compare, for example, their own meal plans work according to various criteria. Help them do this in the course self-generated principles of menu planning.
Hk seminars shows on five different diets and gives concrete suggestions for preparation and food selection.
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