nerve damage and circulation problems Roman Stadtmüller In no other disease can be as many and serious complications
occur, as in diabetes I or II This is the reason for this , that you are asked for every new doctor if you are diabetic. The attending physician can then assess easier, what are the causes of heart attack, kidney disease or eye disease. The
reason: the undiscovered in the body and in the vessels for a long time remained "sugar flood" has caused a lot of damage. It is necessary to imagine that the circulating in the blood sugar (months or years) has led to the formation of acid and this in turn attacked the vessel walls, brittle and made inflexible. Affected by this injury, both the
blood vessels and nerves. The vascular damage in turn call now turn produced a series of diseases that can occur in the medium and long term .
to medium term, diabetic nerve damage (neuropathy) with numbness or tingling of the skin especially on the legs and feet occur which reduce the sensation of pain, so that the skin cracked and injuries on the feet will no longer be exercised. This can lead to treating ulcers be too difficult.
Another consequence is the occurrence of severe pain emanating from the feet and legs along draw. Here as a first-aid measure only helps stop taking painkillers.
medium term, and heart rhythm disturbances, a blockade of Gastric emptying and / or the bladder (especially in older men), often associated with impotence occur that are on the injury to the nervous system due.
what extent the nervous system is damaged, can only find the physician with a qualified parked neurological diagnosis. The analysis goes from testing the reflexes and measuring nerve up to an EKG to check heart function.
As regards the treatment of episodes occurring in the medium term, is Although it not excluded that the above symptoms recede again, if as quickly as possible after becoming aware of diabetes optimal setting of the blood sugar levels made. As the alternative means happens, is the article "metabolic imbalance" portrayed. Members our self-help group, however, have the best experience with the treatment medium emerging diseases made as they are alternatively also proposed in the long term, occurring from us. This later.
Very important here was the treatment of pancreatic as a extra item is discussed. to long term experience the following late complications:
• disease of the small and large blood vessels
• diabetic retinal disease and cataracts
• diabetic kidney disease
• Heart disease
• diabetic foot
from the disease of the small blood vessels, as the doctors microangiopathy
are known, especially the retina of the eyes (retinopathy) and the small vessels in the kidneys (nephropathy) affected. The retina, which contains the photoreceptor cells may change due to bleeding and detachment from the background so much that blindness can be the result
. So far it has not been able to combat these retinal disease with alternative means to succeed.
something different it is to behave during the so-called cataracts. But our experience is based so far only on success in one of our members. must therefore give us first on the presentation of an alternative treatment of cataracts.
The called nephropathy, diabetic kidney disease are among the most serious late complications, for in late-onset treatment is it an ongoing "protein-kidney" and finally can only further help the dialysis or it helps only a kidney transplantation. Blame for this development are not only the damage by the "sugar-acid tide" of the so-called glomeruli (filtration system),
but also the often recurring urinary tract infections and / or the formation of a "gouty kidney, the additional damage, by the filter system is more porous compared to protein. Here, a combination of a specific drug therapy (medication Sartan the group) and a magnetic field application remedy, if not waited too long. More on that later.
in diseases of the large blood vessels (macroangiopathy), it is especially atherosclerosis, which affects the heart and the blood flow of the coronary arteries (heart attack, angina pectoris), cerebrovascular (stroke) and the leg arteries (occlusive disease) results. Often but atherosclerosis not only by diabetes and related cause metabolic disturbances, but also obviously plays
also smoking and alcohol drinking an important role as risk factors of the slowly increasing contraction the great vessels by deposits. In the diabetics is still added an additional source of danger : If going to be a neuropathy, ie a damage the Nervenleitbahnen worse, then run coronary heart disease from often without any feeling of pain and even a heart attack can without pain in the chest area, ie pectoris without angina attack, CARRIED . go Then they often only recognized in a breath the dangerous course of infarction. Also, in an impending stroke usual signals are often not recognized or stay out.
Even the so-called diabetic neuropathy and foot come arterial occlusive disease together. Because of the damaged Nervenleitbahnen, pain, pressure or heat signals not forward more to the brain, not noticed skin tears and injuries, and there is infections caused by bacteria invading the bloodstream. Thus, a gangrene (gangrene) caused, which is able to penetrate deeply into the bones and the Fußgewebe . This is particularly the healing by the fact that antibiotics not penetrate to where the fire or the abscess can, because the blood vessels are clogged. Then the tissue dies from and there is no other option than an amputation of the foot or even a or more toes.
same can happen not only on the feet but also on the legs. especially in heavy smokers, the legs are due to closures of the leg arteries really no longer supplied with blood and oxygen. If then damage to the injury with inflammation and Nervenleitbahnen to lower or upper thighs addition, it can lead to partial amputations
or amputation of an entire leg.
Because of the severity of these diseases, we considered how the combine two terms
"nerve damage and circulation problems, have members of our group with the following description of alternative remedies can post good results.
suggestions for alternative treatment
The fundamental prerequisite for a promising treatment of complications with alternative remedies, compliance of blood glucose levels within the normal range. This is achieved by means as in the article pool under the heading "metabolic disorders" are described. A particularly important step in this is the treatment the pancreas, which is described in a separate chapter . The treatment of gout and urinary tract infections is adequately described in separate chapters.
for the treatment of medium or long term occurring neuropathies, are so often associated with severe pain, are available for self-treatment antioxidant supplements available. Particularly noteworthy here is the alpha-lipoic acid, in
a daily dose of about 500 mg in a few weeks in a position to make the nervous system again. For pain relief the laying a strong permanent magnet is recommended on the pain points. This may occur to anyone hearing them for the first time, something strange, but it is a fact that permanent magnets (eg, steel) are able with their dormant magnetic field in to relieve even severe pain or get even for the time its application to pain to subside completely. This is due to that the static magnetic field in the body dissolved iron content of Hemoglobin and thus attract a standstill force that they can not forward any more pain signals through the nervous system to the brain. This way you can relieve pain without analgesic drugs.
If neuropathies occur without pain, it can support the effect of the yield of alpha-lipoic acid by the application an electric handheld massager, radiating with or without IRLicht, that a sufficiently strong electromagnetic field . This the conductivity of the nerve signals is quickly restored. This approach has a particularly advantageous when arms and legs affected by Neuropahtien, however, little or no make noticeable pain.
Electromagnetic fields increase pain, static magnetic fields, posed by a permanent magnet, they relieve!
All circulatory problems, regardless of whether they are as a medium or long term view ensuing damage in the micro or macro level , plays the use of electromagnetic fields emanating from a commercial electric massager, a major role. The deep free the tissue penetration of magnetic fields large and small blood vessels of deposits of all kinds and widen and make it back more flexible and enrich the blood with oxygen so that the blood flow again is perfectly produced. Supports
the magnetic massage by taking vasodilator dietary supplements. have proven particularly useful here in L-arginine higher Dosage and niacin (nicotinic acid). The latter is taken, however, because of its unpleasant side effects (niacin flash) of facial flushing and a burning sensation throughout the body only in small doses. on the intake of niacin should be abandoned not if
present Atherosclerosis of the coronary vessels. If the circulatory problems are very pronounced, of course, from prescribed drugs, the better solution, because their effects are stronger than the of dietary supplements. In combination with the
magnetic massage can sometimes even envisaged canceled amputations of limbs.
for the treatment of diabetic foot is the action of a has proven pulsating electromagnetic field that emanates from the vibration motor of a small electric Fußbadewanne. Prepare to face in the dry tub, turned on the engine and massaged it for about 10-15 minutes 2 x day. The strongest magnetic field radiation is in the middle of the tub to
the center console, under which the drive motor is installed. Therefore one half of the affected foot massage time to make this console. combines the pleasant feeling of vibration massage with the pulsating magnetic field cause rapid healing of open wounds that will heal bad.
In support of the magnetic field of massage you spray on open wounds and gangrene Silver Water (colloidal silver) on the wound. Silver water gets you on the internet retailers (see list of links!). The Silverbrook fought very effective bacteria, viruses, fungi and many bacteria and parasites. It can both internally take (only about 1 teaspoon per day!) as
on skin lesions and wounds externally applied by spraying (1-2 times a day) And did we mention the means described in vasodilation and / or against neuropathy, where the nerves are damaged and numbness in the feet is available.
Please note that with existing venous disease and varicose veins a massage in the Fußbadewanne not an option! The risk of thrombosis, caused by the vibrations of the tub motor is too large.