Thursday, January 13, 2011

3rd Year Birthday Invitation Messages

fight high blood pressure

Roman Stadtmüller

Over 50% of all diabetics suffer from high blood pressure (hypertension). This side effect of diabetes risk, especially those damaged kidneys, but also the development of stroke, heart attack and arterial occlusive diseases, particularly in the leg arteries, which can be closed at constricted points by blood clots.

The filter system of the kidney is the progression of diabetic nephropathy strongly influenced by high blood pressure. Therefore, the pressure must be treated as soon as possible. Over the Time was defined in blood pressure again. We see today as ideal for systolic pressure (this is the first value) and 120 mm Hg and diastolic pressure (second value) up to 80 mm Hg, all values that are above it and be satisfied by the facts of hypertension .

The desired normal values may reach an age diabetics, when he tries it. The former practice of "rule of thumb-Peilmethode" of 100 plus age is long outdated, and even a can of the doctors as mild hypertension is associated with diabetes for the high-pressure application was already dramatic. Because the kidneys are damaged, the pressure should be below the real values of 120/80 mm Hg. This is especially true for young diabetics who have their lives ahead of them. If their set in older people even before a metabolic imbalance high blood pressure to obesity and metabolic disorders, which is always a sign that sooner or later to diabetes II, is if not this early stage are treated with diet, weight loss and sports activities to a rise in blood sugar levels and atherosclerosis come before.

many people are not quite clear what the two blood pressure values actually mean. However, it is important to know about it know, so you can align it and act accordingly. The systolic value can draw conclusions about the performance of the heart. A high systolic pressure thus provides a picture of the condition of the heart muscle and heart valves. On the other hand, diastolic value you can read the resistance in the blood vessels. So are the arteries by deposits or by other factors such as narrowed by smoking will be high in blood pressure measurement, the second value. If this value is within the normal range or even lower, it can also help calm, because the risk of heart attack, stroke or occlusion of leg arteries, although not banned, but at least minimized.

This should be pointed out that it is particularly appropriate for the diabetes of all ages, to give two blood pressure values, the same attention and to see not only the first value as the more important. This is important because, as any diabetic's blood pressure measurement itself must carry out at home.

For the adult-onset diabetes is the cause of high blood pressure almost always a consequence of diabetes, which manifests itself mainly by damage to the kidneys. But one should not forget that there are other causes such as stress. It's for everyone Non-diabetics, who is still at work and constantly "under steam" is, to perhaps lack of exercise and overweight, suffers a great risk of getting high blood pressure and consequently has a heart attack or stroke.

An age diabetics will be able to get his blood pressure under control only if he avoids situations, stress or degrades. The treatment of high blood pressure is largely based on self-treatment. It can only succeed if the following measures:

  • reduction of excess weight
  • Regular Movement
  • measures to relax
  • smoking cessation and
  • Extensive reduction of alcohol consumption and
  • reducing salt consumption and
  • resolution of fluid retention in the tissues (edema)

The reduction of excess weight is given because of its great importance for the diabetic an extra chapter. For the regular movement through physical activity is to say, that are suitable especially in endurance sports. This can be jogging, his walking, swimming or cycling. An outdoor training may not always be carried out. How to relax at the best, everyone knows. The range of leisure facilities is great. It ranges from a nap to go on listening to music reading, walking, and up to autogenic training and yoga exercises.

How to give up smoking knows, really, anyone who only perform well, is very difficult for many. One thing is certain: you can not give up smoking gradually, but only in one step from today to tomorrow, following the motto: "Better a terrible end than terror without end."

smoking cessation aids such as gum, of course, sugar-free, or nicotine patches are allowed. Many ex-smokers had to admit, how easy it can be to quit smoking if one asks the doctor said that is determined during further smoking now to the heart attack (or lung cancer) closer.

behaves quite similar with the consumption of alcohol. The glass of red wine in the evening, that this also may be beneficial to health because of its high flavonoid content is, of course, be out of place, if by not only the kidneys but the liver of the diabetic years of regular drinks are damaged. Many develop over time a so-called fatty liver, which is still by a corresponding change in diet or diet and alcohol withdrawal is treatable, which can develop further in the light drinkers in a life-threatening liver cirrhosis. In such cases, alcohol is completely taboo.

A very important measure to combat high blood pressure in diabetic patients is the elimination or restriction of salt consumption. With this measure, we need to look closer.

fact, already the restriction the daily amount of salt to lower high blood pressure lead. In addition, less salt (sodium chloride) in the body a boon for the kidneys and the heart. Especially for type II diabetes in older age, this measure is often vital, because over the years, the sodium chloride levels in the body is increased so that a continuous excess of chlorine and sodium present.

With a normal diet, we supply your body every day between about 10 and 20 grams of salt. That's way too much, because it should really only 4 to 6 grams (= about 1 teaspoon) to be. It is well known, that table salt is hygroscopic, so do not clump sealed salt spreaders so often. What is outside the body, known as true, of course, for within a period. This means that a high sodium chloride levels attracts water. It also plays an important role in existing obesity.

Every human being has from birth to about three million fat cells, which multiply individually one by one. The more new fat cells are formed, the more gaps are formed between cells. Located on the positively charged sodium ions bound water can be deposited in the interstices of the fat cells. This can go so far as that visible accumulations of water, known as edema formed. Usually the legs are affected first, then other spaces are tuned as in the abdominal cavity or the lungs.

In thick, swollen legs, fluid retention, especially the suffering women, especially during menopause. All of these edema increase blood pressure. This can happen even in the largely healthy people. But high blood pressure in diabetics, the small blood vessels in the renal damage, so that large amounts of blood protein in the urine can transgress. This is called a protein or a kidney nephrotic syndrome. The forming fluid retention then occur primarily in the area of the eyelids and legs.

If not treated, can it develop over time, a nephrotic syndrome, eventually leading to complete failure of the kidneys. It may also be that the heart of the diabetic is affected and the pumping capacity of the heart muscle has so diminished that the blood accumulates in the pulmonary vein. This creates a high pressure in the veins and blood fluid is forced through the vessel walls into the alveoli. The resulting pulmonary edema can be a deadly danger, because it usually is detected too late. Often only the ambulance can not save your life.

to combat high blood pressure can be used by GP-page special medicines for dehydration of the tissue. They are known as diuretics. Diuretics cause water is flushed from the body and thereby reduces the amount of blood so the heart must pump against a lower resistance. This reduces the blood pressure.

As with all effective drugs have side effects diuretics and intolerances. When the kidneys are affected or the liver is damaged, the choice of the correct Drug-drug limited. In addition, the agents in elderly diabetic patients in a loss of salts, particularly potassium lead.

have these and other undesirable consequences not natural diuretics to lower blood pressure. Although they are usually not so strong in their draining effect as diuretics, but usually they range from completely to combat edema. This is followed in such that either does without salt in the diet or switching to a sodium-free diet salt. Honest, one must admit how difficult it is completely to give up salt. Even the move to more additions of herbs and spices to the home-cooked dishes can not replace the effect of salt taste. Therefore, one can resort to dietary salt, which comes in sodium-free and sodium-reduced form.

The daily salt intake comes not only from the domestic pressure cooker, but also of finished foods such as cheese, sausage, bread, etc. You must then do without either of such food or switch to salt-free. Today you can find in health food stores a lot of salt or sodium chloride-free foods. Although they are usually more expensive than the normal, but they are worthwhile nonetheless for the sake of health. Shortly after this change, about 1-2 days later, one will be able to notice in the daily blood pressure measurement, a drop in blood pressure values.

However, conversion is sufficient to unsalted or salzminimiert often is not. To drain the body have included such herbal remedies proven:

  • asparagus root
  • parsley
  • nettle etc.

also gets you out of the Pharmacy, some well tolerated and effective drugs for natural drainage. The asparagus root, often combined with parsley herb, is available as a finished product. The drainage of these funds also brings with it a weight loss. Blood pressure may be an average of 10 mm Hg (or more) can be reduced. Since these preparations have a high content of vitamins, trace elements and minerals, they have no adverse effects on metabolism, electrolyte balance, renal function and potency. They can therefore be taken over a longer period.

potassium intake

Potassium is a kind of antagonist of sodium. It is responsible, together with the sodium to the water balance in the body. Both electrolytes must therefore be in a proper volume ratio. This ratio can be determined by a medical blood test in the laboratory. For most diabetics lack of potassium ions is detected. This can have all possible causes, such as profuse sweating, vomiting and diarrhea, increased water excretion due to metabolic imbalance and with diuretics, intake of laxatives and not least, numerous drugs such as digitalis and cortisol, are responsible for a potassium deficiency.

In a marked excess of sodium or a lower dose of potassium to provide the use of potassium tablets (potassium chloride), it's usually at a dose of 600 mg per tablet or capsule. It can be either the potassium by a doctor to prescribe a drug or they are worried as dietary supplements (usually in yeast). In many cases you can so totally do without blood pressure reduction and water pills and their side effects. Condition for this is that before taking potassium, the physician using a blood test checks the ratio of sodium to potassium and to the results, object to the administration of potassium added.

Moreover, the administration of potassium chloride can not have another, equally important reason. In a balanced relationship between sodium and potassium in the body, it is not to electrolyte imbalance and much less to heart rhythm disturbances and an increased heart rate (tachycardia). By a diabetic, we know that he has made with the use of potassium very good experience. He has adjusted the daily intake of each dose after the evening carried out measuring the heart rate. He got so much practice that he could set the heart rate of the heart rate to the optimum value of 70 beats per minute.

The dosage of potassium must be done very carefully. The heart rate may not be below 60 beats min. fall!


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