Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Drive And Pull Clothes Pulley Bangalore

suspicion - Remove viruses from diabetes?

It is new evidence that infection may be involved with so-called enteroviruses in the development of type 1 diabetes more ...

Our comment:

Before you read this comment, do the above article in the original note .. The only way you can understand that we see ourselves as an online support group through the aforementioned investigations fully confirmed. We have long assumed that diabetes is caused by viruses in all its forms. These attack the pancreas and their insulin-producing B cells, they attack and destroy slowly but surely. We assume, however, that these viruses are "leftovers" are influenza viruses, ie those who were not killed by the treatment of influenza and who were set on their journey through the body in the pancreas. There, they cause inflammation, which fires remain mostly unnoticed. In type 1 diabetes, the destruction of B cells not only rapidly, but usually so consistently that no healthy cells are left over, which can multiply again. In type II diabetes, the virus takes place only in later years, it occurs that the diabetic state later. Contrary to the opinion of medicine, we see no autoimmune reaction but a reaction of the immune system. This fights the virus with some success. Only then explained that still remain enough insulin producing B-cells left. Constantly cells die, but at the same time get new, unencumbered added. Since it is only logical if we kill our VICOMAG process first the virus and then promote the development of new B cells. All other phenomena and processes that contribute to the development of diabetes, such as obesity, poor diet with insulin resistance, are only risk factors that put stress on the pancreas and thus accelerate the onset of diabetes. But the disease diabetes is caused by a virus and therefore is an infectious disease cost, which has already been developed for pandemic


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