relationship building -> Item:
Professional action in the form of relationship building (06.05.2009)
second Improving social relations
02.01 stabilizing partnership and family ties
social work is relationship work. The aim of the advisory and life-long work is to stress at the level of personal ties in the family system to build and support the search for livable in everyday relationships. In accordance with this objective in the majority of our interviews lead a successful relationship management in the daily life of the partnership and family bonds designated as the yardstick of success. This support for the bonds in the private world has many faces: the re-attachment of torn-off relationship threads, the wooing of understanding and sensitivity to the special stresses of life as mentally ill and to articulate the practice of changing communication styles that make it possible for people's own needs, concerns and interests and in a balanced interaction reciprocal to, dependents, and the relief of the relations of structural pressures (such as indebtedness of the family system) and of emotional ballast . satisfy
The social relations of my clients are characterized in that they no longer exist. Family exists almost no more, many have been ostracized from her family. Only a very small proportion of women is continuing a family bond, which can then be strengthened or resumed. Many women have even children and they want to add these contacts back to a time when they feel better. I'm working with these women, and this is of course a great success with it if it's actually working. This resumption of family relations is often marked by disappointments and rejections. (Sheltered housing for homeless women)
improvements in the client relationship - we strive to do this family conversations and the group members. Our goal is that even by the members a better understanding of the patient sets that once held communication among stakeholders. If we succeed in that, then that is certainly also a kind of success. Only happens when mental illness often do not because with relatives, friends, employers met with very little understanding. Such reintegration is difficult, it's rare that you get the point through the work, but if we can do it, then I am always very much. (Hospital social service / mental health)
Patients come here to record, and in many cases the relatives do not realize what the disease. If you can make it sensitive members, helping them to understand and thus the relationship with the members again repaired, then I would considered a success. Members working in our house has a high priority. (Hospital social services / geriatric psychiatry)
relationship skills in the family of systems - which also plays a role in the debt, because suffering under the pressure of debt the family relationships are often very strong. If it is successful in creating a relief in the financial field, then get better by the partner relationships. (...) If you then after six months or a year noted that the family ties have become more stable, which is certainly one aspect that I would call a success. (Debt / emergency accommodation services)
Social relationships and their disruptions are an important part of our work. The clients with whom we are dealing with life, often quite isolated, they have little in relationships, often troubled relationships. And since there is already a great success when we see the relationships within the family will be better if contacts can be established with other groups. We make himself also a lot of group work. We have for example two groups of women here who are working hard on this issue. (Social-educational family assistance)
2.2 creation and stabilization of informal network structures
Relational creative work is in many fields of action beyond the small circle of partnership and family. ¬ times as much social work from the situation that thin networks of relationships, new friends only can be closed to the prevailing difficult and lonely life experience is. Here comes the So ¬ cial Ar ¬ mission to Beit, to invent counter products to combat a radical isolation and kidney community newly staged ¬ by between men ¬ ¬ brings another in contact and through this initial cross-linking the foundation for mutual exchange and friendly places. In the methodological literature terms, the concept of "networking" naturalized - thus demonstrating social work as a relationship-building performance, the ways out of social withdrawal, creates new social relationships and promotes enhanced informal networks.
Our work product is stabilization, forge social Networks, and whenever I see that as people are involved and feel more comfortable in social contexts, that's for me a great success. (Service Support Office in the old area)
particular, women who do live longer usually (laughter) than men, are very insulated. Therefore, it is to try an integral part of our work to break this isolation, because we realize that this is combined then with an improving the overall physical condition. (Association of Consulting for older people / housing adaptation)
strong here in the nursery and day care area, we suggest to friends living outside the nursery on. On this way may arise a supporting new network, so that parents, for example, alternate with the pick that they engage each other under the arms, if one or the other is in trouble again. (Local day care center)
3.2 creation of new ties and relationship qualities
A final aspect: Especially in the context of inpatient and offers, it is entitled to Social Work, to create new bonds and relationship quality among people who meet in these educational environments. The social workers interviewed by us formulate this claim as follows: to encourage people (even with the life history mortgaged relationship experiences) to engage "with an open and trust" in new relationships, discover new social proximity and common interests, friendship pins and open up vast new areas of social bonding. Common to their arguments, an educational trust in the power of self-socialization. Where in the dynamic and often conflicting processes of social bonding and anchoring is possible to draw new people personal resources that exert a stabilizing force in terms of life balance and life satisfaction.
Here in assisted living, I put great emphasis on the instrument of group work and strive in that the women stabilize within the group that a group dynamic is and they support each other. This also works. There are also armed and exclusion. There are transfers there. Children, father, mother, uncle, aunt, everything is there, these conflicts are acted out and This will be followed solution strategies. (...) In the beginning, when a group newly formed in assisted living, first there is sunshine. There is a harmony, it's really sweet as sugar, so sweet, that one of them (laughter) gets a toothache. It is not real, it is an idealization, and eventually the whole thing starts to steam and then explode the conflicts. There will be transfers, and then develop solutions to these women. You learn to deal with weaknesses, and to stabilize it, learn social relations to resume and maintain. (Sheltered housing for homeless women)
I see many young people who start to take action on a few or have a very difficult social bonds. When the then harmonized with the times and addition of new bonds with each other among the participants or their families - then I find this a very desirable, a very positive story. I encourage these new social contacts, plus I make the people courage - and if this works for me that is of course a success. (Youth Social Work)
relationship improvements at the client - this is actually the most important thing in our work. Without relationships, I believe, not live human beings. Everyone needs bonds and a sense of belonging to someone and not to be excluded, and with our actions, we try to foster it. Especially those children who have many problems to reach out to others to be involved with us through creative activities, by common games, but also by things that make them personally and make them interesting for other children. We try to make these children can put their own needs accordingly. Not that we set the goals, we simply create niches for new relationships. (...) We also try to involve the neighborhood: For example, if playgrounds are planned by us, we want our children and their projects do not bring about a polarization of the population, but focus on social issues. Neighbourhood initiate perhaps again, yes, feel responsible for the children who are there on the spot, conversely, that the children also feel responsible for older people living in the environment. I do think that we are accomplishing a social networking of people in approaches, especially through our participation in projects. (Mobile leisure activities for children)
The majority of children and young people We are not able to build a healthy, normal social interaction, their relations are often very hierarchical structure, function - and there to create a foundation to build self-confidence to deal openly and with trust in new contacts, the is very important to us. (Patient facility for youth welfare) = book_result & ct = result & resnum = 1 (06/05/2009)
action model to establish trust
includes the manufacture of confidence after Peter (1996), the phases:
-producing a sympathetic communication
degradation of threatening acts
-targeted use of confidence-inducing or-promoting actions
This consistently make up the tasks to be accomplished, would build the confidence of the other person. Building trust requires me to show significant safety signals. The phases run from each other following, until the third phase is built on trust.
Establishing an understanding of communication is unlimited listening, sensitive Register of nonverbal and verbal instructions and feedback to do so. Overall, it's about turning toward a targeted and empathy with the other (Peterson, 1996). Empathy is considered by Peter Mann (1996) as a very key variable for manufacturing confidence. A disinterested yourself-into-displacement included in the other to make a sympathetic communication possible. This is contradicted by "high self-centeredness and competition behavior" (Peterson 1996, p. 109).
The degradation threatening acts is necessary because situations may be perceived in spite of not existing actual threat as a threat. Above it, the person want to build the confidence to be aware of. A certain degree of security must be provided for building trust. Peter Mann (1996) points out that most behavioral signals to people who feel inferior to, threatening to act on them. Not least, be given in such situations must be an aid to classification of the signals when confidence building is required. Assistance can only about planned procedures in behavior. A certain structure of interaction is necessary. This behavior must be characterized by clarity, transparency and predictability are distinguished. Expectations of the people's trust is to be won, must be named. Feedback play here, as in the previous phase play an important role. They are for reference functions (Peterson 1996).
The targeted building will take place in the third phase. Peter Mann (1996) proposes a procedure in which the other person's powers are being transferred, as this contributes to the development of self-confidence. These tasks should not be too easy but not unmanageable, a result seen this person so that self-efficacy and increased safety behavior. Peter Mann (1996) sees the variable self-confidence for the emergence of trust as critical.
summary it can be said that through empathy, predictability, and predictability of behavior and help for self-efficacy due to transfer of powers can establish trust (Peterson 1996).
2.Erklärungsmodell to establish trust in the professional relationship
The implicit trust theory of a person for each area of life plays a critical role in building trust (Mader, 2001; Schweer 1996, 1998a, 2000 a). The addressee has an implicit knowledge of how the trust has to be professionally employed (Mader 2001, Schweer, 1996). Similarly, applicable to that: it has an implicit theory about the prototype of a trusted recipients (Schweer, 1996). In professional relationships People take an especially strong influence in their true social role. In addition, the professional persons associated with the respective connection to an institution (Mader 2001, Luhmann 2000, Schweer 1996) and its behavior is mitstrukturiert by the organizational framework of the institution (Schweer, 1996).
encounter in the professional relationship, two people with individual, sectoral and area-non-specific expectations of the other person. As a domain-specific expectations are reliability and credibility (Neubauer 1991, Schweer, 1996). The domain-specific expectations need to be charged in addition for each area of life (Schweer, 1996). In the actual situation does not match the existing due to the implicit trust theory of expectations with the actual behavior of the confidence shown promoting interaction partner favorable to the development of trust from (Schweer 1996, 1998a). Excessive expectations are therefore considered to be difficult, since they reduce the likelihood of agreement. Trust and confidence, however compatible implicit trust theories, which can be both similar and complementary (Schweer 1996, 1998a) are.
are perceived the expected trust-enhancing information and positively can arise confidence. Such information may occur between Planes. Trust leads to the action level of trust appropriate behaviors (Peterson 1996, Schweer, 1996). Therefore, the recipient now own confidence in memories that verbal and non verbal show of confidence actions (Krumboltz & Potter, 1980, Peterson 1996, Schweer, 1996). This in turn increases the probability of initiation following trust trusting behavior of the interaction partner (Schweer, 1996).
third Confidence in social work
"The social worker must build trust, as an important condition for the function of social work. Will he not, to gain the trust of the person concerned, he can under difficult circumstances, control exercise, only when the person familiar with the social worker, it receives the information that he needed to the required 'tools' use, or carry out the necessary measures. He did not acquire the trust, his work is cumbersome and ineffective, he must provide the necessary information from other sources, such as schools, neighbors, police and other data-management bodies. This is undermining its influence in those affected. This in turn makes it much more difficult to carry out its activities (Zinner 1981, p.92) "
4th Professional relationship and methodical action
The relationship between social worker and client is as relevant as the methodical actions in social work. At the same time professional job paid work, the timing and content requirements subject (Müller-Kohlberg 1993a, 1993b, Zinner 1981). Herein may be considered a contradiction: "A personal relationship is formed ls expression of interest, commitment and sympathy. A methodical approach requires, however, a certain distance, reflection and guidance on a rule system beyond a dialogic situation "(Müller-Kohlberg 1993b, p.67). In concepts for methodical action of the social work part of the structuring phase models are presented using process (including Galuske 1998, Figge 1997, Heiner 1998, B.1997 Müller, Müller CW 1994 Pantucek 1998a, Possehl 1993). These are largely inspired by the three-step methodology of history, social diagnosis and treatment (Galuske 1998), sometimes expanded to the point of evaluation. Although few references to a phase of relationship building are given, for example, Germain and Gitterman (1999), Nicolay (1993) and Pantucek (1998a), in the majority of these models such a phase is not included. This is how Heiner (1998), the possibility of cooperation with the client without working relationship and trust. "Reservations, fear and distrust" (Heiner 1998, p.146) would then only be limited industrial relations Flying without hampering cooperation and problem management.
As already mentioned, see also Wendt (1997a) a positive personal relationship between social worker and client not as a "prerequisite for cooperation [... for] vary attitudes and feelings, in a concerted work keeps you (are) just by firm, that makes them "(Wendt 1997a, p.36).
5th Professionalism of the relationship
The personal relationship between the worker and the client in social work is rare and particularly by the institutional context and the payment of worker's almost impossible (Müller-Kohlberg 1993a, 1993b). The "attitude of intersubjective relationship formation (Schluter 1995, p.192) is the basis of ethical social work. This attitude, which leads, ideally, in a partnership relationship between social worker and the client meets with the reality of structural limitations. One paradox of social work action arises, for example, if "the social worker in the relationship with the clients 'holistic human reference point' should be, and as an expert of social relations uses techniques, which threatens the basis of trust of the relationship [sic]" (Gildermeister 1996, p. 445).
In the social work literature that partnership in the professional relationship between social worker and the client often portrayed as essential to the work (including Baal 1986, Jungblut, 1993, also joined, in 1996, Schluter 1995, Wendt 1997b) = PA64 & lpg = PA64 & dq = Relationship Building + in + the + social + work & source = bl & ots = ventLlqMYL & sig = eWIHOUq6RR2bhyfADzqUv4y19ZU & hl = en & ei = dZ4BStLbLonFsgbG0NDzDg & sa = X & oi = book_result & ct = result & resnum = 4 # PPA66, M1 (06.05.2009)
-SA could be considered as a tool because a change can only be achieved if left to the clients an impression was (see Gloel in Bimschas & Schroeder, 2003, p.18)
- a prerequisite for the emergence of relationship: - builds relationships between SA and the client to trust in
LG Olga