to subject theory
Sequence 1:
I: It is difficult to provide aid for Turkish families on their feet. Reality or stigma? (P. 3, line 36 - 37)
In the present Case can be referred to, derived from the critical psychology theory of the subject, addressed in particular is that we must manage to get away from the bourgeois psychology, with its "if-then" causality ". If
Turkish families have a family problem, they prefer to keep it for yourself, look no help. Building trust is almost impossible (p. 4, 8 - 10).
The theory of the subject is more varied in their approach and provides "self-evident" in question. Disturbances are stationary in this theoretical approach is not only the individual but the environment is involved.
KriPsy says that both man under social conditions as like itself also creates these conditions.
That is, when it comes to personality or psyche, the society / the environment in mind, as this miteinwirkt on people.
lies in society from a network of expectations, which is exposed to the individual
and it needs to develop into it. Therefore, it is important to make individual inventories and connect with people in dialogue, to better understand their sensitivities and their resultant behavior.
Finally, I would simply reiterate that the social worker should psychologizing, but it requires psychological Knowledge and a broad, far-ranging knowledge.
Other important factors are:
- multiperspectivity
- knowledge of important structures and cultural basic orientation of the
countries of origin
- Migration reasons and progressions
to stigma theory
Sequence 3:
III: Turkish families do not fall into the cards look
Introduction to the stigma theory
In our minds there is still a generally accepted picture of Turkish families and their behaviors. We automatically from a categorization, although such a negative attitude in a family of any to observe the origin and social class is, speak also German families from the middle class, for example, may refuse professional help.
means by a stigma to the impairment or diminution of a person or group by certain negative stereotypes. A property is a social Disprivilegierung established.
In particular, "visibility" (visibility) makes this the stigmatize. Attributions are enhanced by using specific stigma terms.
headscarf = Turkish origin = closed and unwelcoming!
be on the basis of a stigma in some cases other imperfections and negative qualities as a generalization assumed.
There is a Turkish family to find professional help is perceived as difficult (p. 3, line 36 - 37). help establish a "tough job" and very time consuming (p. 4 line 47-53) is.
The social worker believes that Turkish families deal with other general diseases (p. 4, line 9).
Turkish families, it is assumed that they react repellent when it comes to family matters. They are suspicious and hostile act (p. 4, line 10 - 12).
It is difficult to build confidence to Turkish families (p. 4, lines 53-54).
Such stigmatization has Self-forming by the stigma is transferred to the self. The stigmatized experienced over time even as deficient and develops feelings of shame / inferiority feelings and other primarily passive reaction variants.
stigmatization resulting in social intercourse, they are context-dependent (and therefore relative), that is what is used in an affinity group / region / country or part of a world recognized as normal or positive abnormality can somewhere else or at another time a cause for stigma . give
by institutional players, in this case the social worker is called a stigma and distributed (articulated). Through their evaluation of a practice the existing labels increased. Such forms
commit to lead to a different major status. A subject that once violated a rule or a stigma gets assigned, is referred to as a whole and different, which brings disastrous long-term consequences.
to positive reinforcement
sequence 4:
IV: Positive reinforcement (p. 7 / 8, line 17 - 9)
case of positive reinforcement is a term from behavioral biology and psychology and is the area operant conditioning are assigned.
1900 Pavlov was one of the first hired for this purpose the investigations.
He found that many constantly evolving human behavior can be explained using the laws of operant learning.
essential principle of instrumental learning is the reinforcement. Ie, behavior can be controlled by spontaneously voiced behavior is reinforced. Positive reinforcement is used to activate and maintain certain behaviors. From the positive reinforcement we talk when entering a pleasant and desired behavior consequences.
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