What is trauma?
What is trauma?
Stressful experiences are a natural part of our lives. We have good skills to handle physical and mental stress and to adapt. Under certain conditions, but stressful experiences can lead to trauma and change the physiological, psychological and social balance. The experience is not handled adequately, this leads to severe impairments the whole experience. This can happen to anyone. The mere testimony can lead to trauma.
Traumatic experiences leave traces, even if many people make it somehow to continue their lives in some degree. The memory suddenly appears and hovers like a dark cloud over one.
developed in the worst case, a "post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)." Typical symptoms include repeated reliving of the trauma in intrusive memories (reverberation memories, flashbacks), dreams or nightmares, occurring against the backdrop of an ongoing sense of numbness and emotional blunting. It often develops over indifference towards other people, unresponsiveness to surroundings, anhedonia, and avoidance of activities and situations that could evoke memories of the trauma. Usually occurs in a state of vegetative over excitement, tension, nervousness and sleep disturbance. Anxiety and depression are often associated with these symptoms and characteristics. The onset follows the trauma, but often only after some time.
trigger trauma
accidents (car accidents, falls, etc.)
violence (eg war, rape, robbery, kidnapping)
bodily harm (eg poisoning, burns, surgery, knife and gunshot wounds)
traumatic birth, prenatal stress, anxiety
Natural disasters (fire, earthquake, etc.)
Emotional trauma (eg, severe loss)
The experienced consequences are overwhelming fear to panic, vulnerability, other trauma, emotional blockage, and behavior blocking , may collapse, exhaustion, apathy, fixation, solidification, etc..
crucial for the development of a trauma, the extent to which mental state to allow sufficient processing. If the psychological defenses weakened, as in periods of high stress, overwork or fatigue may also allegedly are less harmful to the trauma experience. If the experience is too burdensome to process it, trying to protect the body and cut the memory in different proportions. Different sensory impressions, details, procedures etc. are not integrated, but stored as fragments. The body and the mind no longer come to rest and it comes to experienced loss of control, trust, safety and security, to feel-a-heartedness, etc..
The trauma, a "stress fracture of the soul"
One need only one point x any material without ceasing, and to turn her, at some point it breaks. This "stress fracture" occurs in humans. Does a long time a force on him, he can not continue to hold stand takes the soul from harm, and the body has symptoms. From this helplessness there seems to be no escape. Such a force can be a traumatic experience. This is an event that acts from outside on people and fail with the current management strategies, mainly fight or flight.
man-made and non-man-made trauma
We distinguish between man-made (man-made) and non-man-made (not by man-made) trauma. Man-made traumas physical and mental violence, sexual abuse, chronic, severe neglect, robbery, his kidnapping, serious accidents, terrorist attacks, torture or war.
Among the non-man-made trauma include natural disasters, life-threatening illnesses (eg cancer, AIDS) or the sudden loss of a loved one. In most cases this is associated with feelings of powerlessness, helplessness, and helplessness. All feelings are automatically disconnected, it is a state of "frozen its" one that is perceived by those affected as if they were standing by him, as it would have happened not at all as if it was just a movie. Such reactions only serve to survival during and immediately after a trauma, and may after some time Inflammation to subside. Even the mind is working with the traumatic experience to cope. Only when these symptoms are not weaker but stronger for a longer period, it is called a post-traumatic stress disorder.
effects of trauma and diseases
The effects are even more catastrophic, the earlier in age, the trauma took place, the longer they last, and the closer was the relationship with the perpetrator or the perpetrator. Depending on the character and personality, a trauma have very different consequences. Common reactions are repeated, insistent memories of the event, agitation, vegetative Disturbances, irritability, increased vigilance, sudden acting or feeling as if the injury would be returned, even visions (flash-backs) are also included.
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