Tuesday, February 23, 2010

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Plantago psyllium Oval totalis

The Indian psyllium (Plantago ovata) as the source material is related to this country found Spitz - and plantain species. Different than the name suggests, it has nothing known to the reproductive habits unpopular small animals do. In Indian medicine preparations of shells of the Indian flea seed, because of its' soothing, sedative and laxative effect in all inflammatory damage of the gastro - intestinal tract in use "Responsible positive for these effects are polysaccharides as cell wall components of the seed coat that are capable of extreme. . retain much moisture Thus, the originally insignificant psyllium in contact with water in a short time by a layer of mucus environment that easily the tenth - takes up to fifteen times the original volume, and thus each ingested gram can bind up to 40 grams of water compared to other swelling agents. such as wheat bran and flaxseed, they are characterized in particular by significantly decreased intestinal gas formation (Hotz and Plein 94) and from their jelly-like property of flammable - narrow problem areas not to stick together. Similar to red blood cells, which can move through tiny capillaries overcome the small grains due to inflammation caused bottlenecks and ensure that back for a physiological bowel activity. Following an increase of bowel movement, it is about the strengthening of the muscles to increased blood flow and thus also to inflammation modulation. In the intestine, the cells capable of bacteria - and to bind and eliminate toxins inflammation. This is the mucous membrane protected from other lesions (Bruchhausen 94). Other positive effects: influence of serum lipids with lowering of total cholesterol levels by 5 - 15%, increased excretion of the atherosclerosis-promoting lipoprotein (LDL), lowering of blood sugar levels, which can result in insulin-dependent diabetics in a reduction of insulin daily requirement; bound excretion of bile acids achieve especially after surgery increases the colon and there, a diarrhea-promoting effect (Levin 90, Bell 89, Anderson 88). Take 3 times daily in 1 teaspoon of liquid yogurt, etc. stirred and after a few days - 2: Application Notes individually to improve on tablespoon. Patients with inflammatory or cicatricial stenosis should make a slow increase. With the help of the flea seed can be influenced by events, as well as blockages in both directions to a physiological bowel activity. Rezeptierbar as an Indian flea seeds (unprocessed form) Plantago Semen Oval totalis. Lactobacillus acidophilus

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Acidophilus - the intestinal police


A healthy intestinal flora is important for a well-functioning food utilization. Unfortunately affect a faulty lifestyle, poor diet, environmental exposure to toxins, diet, stress, unfamiliar foods while traveling, the drug application often the delicate balance of natural intestinal flora. Some can even be applied as prescribed medicines (antibiotics) will destroy the intestinal flora. A healthy, natural intestinal flora of rebuilding is especially important. Therefore, acidophilus tablets recommended for the rapid addition of natural bacterial cultures.

harmonize acidophilus tablets to regulate and stabilize the intestinal flora of their natural ingredients. The balanced combination of bacteria cultures restores the biological balance in the intestine quickly restored. The digestion is normalized and undesirable intestinal bacteria are suppressed. This improves the general health.

A healthy intestinal flora is important for a well-functioning food utilization. Unfortunately affect a faulty lifestyle, poor diet, environmental exposure to toxins, diet, stress, unfamiliar foods while traveling, the drug often use the delicate balance of natural intestinal flora. Some can even be applied as prescribed medicines (antibiotics) will destroy the intestinal flora. A healthy, natural intestinal flora of rebuilding is especially important. Therefore, acidophilus tablets recommended for the rapid addition of natural bacterial cultures.

harmonize acidophilus tablets to regulate and stabilize the intestinal flora of their natural ingredients. The balanced combination of bacteria cultures restores the biological balance in the intestine quickly restored. The digestion is normalized and undesirable intestinal bacteria are suppressed. This improves the general health. to get

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weight made easy - Chitosan


The way a good figure and avoid ill health begins from within. Chitosan's natural ingredients can help you with different mechanisms of action: •
chitosan with the ability to bind to fat as a natural fiber and undigested again rejected. A pleasant side effect is the reduction of body weight.
• Bromelain is a digestive enzyme from pineapple and has a supportive due to the better separation of the proteins to chitosan, also is suspected or a positive effect on the healing of inflammation.
• Zinc is an essential part of digestive enzymes, is involved in insulin metabolism and protein synthesis. Zinc is also adjacent to the selenium on the antioxidant agents and strengthens the immune system.
• Chrome uses to regulate the metabolism, a deficiency leads to glucose intolerance, disturbances in protein and fat metabolism. Protein degradation is slowed down, even with strict dieting is such a greater loss of muscle substance prevented. The effect of a loose "diet-figure" can be reduced.
• Vitamin C neutralizes free radicals, support the formation and maintenance of connective tissue, strengthens the immune system and improves general performance.

How does chitosan:
chitosan (derived from the shells of shellfish), a derivative of chitin, as opposed to vegetable fibers, an amino group, this amino group is in the small intestine into an alliance with the fat. As a natural fiber, the chitosan fibers are then combined with part of the excreted undigested fat contained in food. Therefore, chitosan is an ideal food supplement for all the fat Food and is suitable for regular use (4-5 weeks) were very good for a moderate and sustained weight loss.
with chitosan have the opportunity to reduce your weight and body fat percentage, the most effective in combination with a dose endurance training and of course a balanced diet as possible.
It unfortunately is no miracle cure for all diet products are always a support through diet and physical activity effects achievable.
If necessary, we can give you more training and nutritional.

dosage recommendations:
3-4 capsules twice a day, about 15 min take before the main meals with plenty of liquid, a maximum of 8 capsules per day. The regular intake should not exceed 4-5 weeks, not after 2-4 weeks of rest can begin the next phase of revenue. ensure

To ensure optimum absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, should chitosanfreie vitamin-based snack, or a corresponding multi-vitamin supplement be taken.

chitosan should not be taken with a known allergy to shellfish, pregnant or breast-feeding in intestinal polyps or inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract.

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colds echinacea-time!

Echinacea Echinacea purpurea / cone flower

immunomodulators to strengthen the immune system.
A strong immune system is essential for the prevention of colds. Therefore, the preventive use of immune modulators, which are substances that stimulate the immune system, often a good idea. Often they also still show up when the first signs of a cold.

The effect of echinacea is in use.
One of the most famous and best-studied plant with immune-modulatory effect of the purple coneflower or Echinacea purpurea. Echinacea increases the number of leukocytes and the spleen cells, thus promoting the non-specific defense.

application for colds, urinary tract infections and superficial Wounds.
, so it is ideal for the supportive treatment of recurrent infections of the respiratory tract and urinary tract. Externally, it can also be used for poorly healing, superficial wounds. The application is with the pressed juice from fresh, conducted at the height of harvested above-ground plant parts. From the pressed juice drops, ointments, gels and injectable solutions are prepared.

contraindications should be observed.
Echinacea should not be given to diseases that are progressive. These include: tuberculosis, rheumatism, multiple sclerosis, HIV infection and leukemia.
injections may not be as pregnancy should be applied. In readiness for Compositae allergy should generally not be taken echinacea preparation.

side effects and interactions are not known.
side effects are not known. Overdoses can occur at over-reactions, including chills, nausea, vomiting and temporary fever. Interactions with other drugs have not yet occurred.

dosage and administration depend on the concentration.
The pressed juice, for example, drops must be individually metered according to the type and severity of the disease. The concentration in the various preparations can vary widely be. It is best to keep to the manufacturer's specifications to achieve maximum impact. It is also important that you comply with this exact dosing instructions. In doses do not work, and overdoses can cause over-reactions. The duration of treatment has an influence on effectiveness. Note that drops often include alcohol. Ointments and gels should contain at least 15 percent juice pressed

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know about tea tree oil

tea tree oil Melaleuca alternifolia was

The Australian tea tree oil a few years ago acted as a secret among insiders. His exceptional activity against all possible Complaints could not however be a long time "secret hold" which causes the oil in recent years experienced a one-time boom. The discovery of tea tree oil is attributed to the aborigines of Australia, the Aborigines.
was first documented it but only in 1770 by Captain Cook. This
got the oil on a trip to Australia to know and continued with his team, especially against a poorly healing wounds, bleeding gums and foot fungus.
The time biologists on board who experimented further and found that tea tree oil also acts against aggression and depression. What is

tea tree oil?

Like most essential oils Tea tree oil is also the many substances that can be detected in part but only in very small traces. The most important are the terpenes and yet most effective, and Terpenole oxides (cineole).
The terpenes act primarily analgesic, anti-inflammatory, immune-strengthening and mentally stimulating. The
Terpenole antibacterial, antiviral and uplifting. The oxides
analgesic and expectorant.

Due to the increasing popularity and widespread use of tea tree oil
were made by many scientists investigations.
The list of effects could therefore not lead very far, we restrict ourselves only to the most important. As with all
Naturheilmittenl you should always own a little "experiment" to personally find out for themselves the positive effects.

Where does the tea tree oil?
How it won?

The best quality tea tree oil from organic farming is still of Australian farms. maintain stable
To ensure quality and guarantee the effect, you must have the growing and production of oil be very careful. Tea tree oil is obtained by steam distillation from the twigs and leaves of the tea tree.
The rising steam removes the oil from the plant parts and then cooled. The not water-soluble oil is siphoned off.

quality of tea tree oil!

more widespread, and very unfortunately, the increasing demand for quality has suffered some vendors.
The cultivation was not logical to keep up with demand, so that was frequently offered
"stretched qualities" that no longer had the effect of pure natural tea tree oil. We all saw those "qualities" are offered at low prices because they cost only because of the low share of tea tree oil and only a fraction.
Reputable providers had unfortunately because of this unequal price competition often loses.
has now multiplied the area under cultivation, so that today the entire world market with quality by 1A. But black sheep crowd yet again on the market.

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Air Command-Propolis

Air Command PROPOLIS

Where is Propolis? - What is Propolis? - How to make propolis?

The word "propolis" comes from the Greek and means
"before the city" in a metaphorical sense, the guards, that repel the enemy of community things.

PROPOLIS - guardians of the health
bees are really, literally hard working, they "understand" a whole Amount of healthy food - think of the high-quality pollen and royal jelly - and their "universal remedy" PROPOLIS the modern pharmaceutical industry could still learn a lot. With this versatile ingredient that finds increasing interest in recent years, we now want to examine it more closely.

is really nothing new propolis, in ancient times was known that substance. Only he came - as so many other valuable natural medicine and - in the course of time almost forgotten.
The name "propolis" comes from Greek and means "before the city". Symbolically, it referred to the guards, the to warn in time when unwanted guests wishing to penetrate the city. Who coined the name is not known, but he must have known very much of Bienenkittharz propolis. The name that is very well illustrated one of the main effects of this substance: it prevents pathogens from entering the hive, which could also destroy the entire colony.

bees collect propolis mainly of birch, beech, alder, poplar, horse chestnut, elm and pine trees. The resin content of 10-70%, the share of 15-40% waxes and the oil content of 2-10% in propolis are also contain 5-25% insoluble. Chemical tests revealed, among other things, that propolis amino acids (protein building blocks), vitamins, trace elements, enzymes and valuable fatty acids, dyes and antibiotic substances.
The bees use the soft, yellow, fragrant resin mainly to line their stock to cement plans to narrow the entrance hole and all foreign bodies in the hive, they can not make out so to cover, so that they do not (possible) pose more risk of infection. The bee propolis wins by drawing up a grid on the floor, which coat the bees with propolis as a foreign body.


Numerous studies Propolis is proved to be highly effective
antibiotic with broad-spectrum. Among other things, fought many bacteria, fungi and even different viruses to which traditional medicine are still no effective drugs available. Especially pyogenic and fungi, the skin - and cause mucosal inflammation, are favorably affected by propolis. It was shown that Bienenkittharz can prevent colds and flu and even against infections with herpes viruses, which increase recently in particular in the field of reproductive organs considerably, but also the unpleasant cold sore in the mouth - causing the field and on the mouth and the shingles, well - Lips acts.
Another important application is slow to heal burns, wounds, ulcers and skin infections, particularly the acne that does not only affect young people a lot during puberty. In such cases, propolis is often surprisingly fast, even then, if the orthodox medical treatment by antibiotics and cortisone unsatisfactory helps. And even the stubborn psoriasis responds well to propolis, provided they supplemented by a special diet.

Good experience has been in disorders in the neck,
nose, ears - and eye area are collected at
bad breath, gum disease and loss. Toothache by caries (but only for emergency aid to the consultation of the dentist), throat, tonsils and throat inflammation include inflammation and abscesses as well as the external ear canal, conjunctiva - and blepharitis and the barley grain to the areas of application.

This is the range of therapeutic indications, by no means over. The
Bienenkittharz also helps with blood circulation disorders of the skin and limbs (especially the legs). Varicose veins, hemorrhoids, rheumatic muscle - joint pain, backache and spinal discs, carpal tunnel and bursitis as well as nerve pain such as sciatica or shingles. Finally
Propolis can also be at many internal diseases alone or in addition thereto. Particularly well the propolis acts on the intestine. Many infections and inflammation can be thanks to the antibiotic and anti-inflammatory effect cure, without the intestinal bacteria are destroyed.
But for post-treatment of the gut after antibiotics - and radiotherapy, constipation, diarrhea or frequent changes of diarrhea and constipation, the best "HEALTH GUARD".
Propolis is also in diseases of other digestive organs considered as inflammation and ulcers of the stomach, liver inflammation, jaundice and other liver diseases. Similarly

rates are irritation and inflammation of the kidneys, urinary tract, bladder, and prostate gland affected. For women, propolis
recommended for experiences that reach back to antiquity, menstrual disorders, inflammation of the ovaries, fallopian tubes and vagina (bacterial or fungal) and from discharge.

acts Generally Propolis strengthens and mild stimulating effect on the whole organism, strengthens the senile heart, prevents hardening of the arteries and premature aging from normalized sometimes the blood pressure to harmonize the nervous system so that insomnia, nervousness, nervous exhaustion and chronic exhaustion be eliminated and increases the body's defenses.

In principle, there really is almost no disease could be applied at least not in the propolis supplement. Not infrequently, until the Bienenkittharz breakthrough brings in a treatment that previously did not respond properly, because it stimulates the important self-healing regulation.
Propolis is generally well tolerated.
Only about 1% of treated patients develop an allergy that is usually explained by the pollen content in propolis, in such cases, treatment should be stopped immediately, unfortunately.

A huge, harmonizing, healing power inherent in this. Well, what can we say now:
plant or bee products? Propolis? Or simply ... PROPOLIS!

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macula and lutein


LUTEIN prevents Netzthautschäden

In a small pilot study, researchers at the Catholic University in Rome found evidence that lutein may prevent the progression of macular degeneration. Lutein is one of the carotenoids and is able to defuse harmful UV components of sunlight. In macular degeneration the place of central vision on the retina (the macula) is slowly destroyed. These study results are published in the specialist eye diseases journal Ophthalmology.
15 Patients with an early form of macular degeneration were given six months, one and prepare samples, which contained 15 mg lutein. 15 patients as a control group received only a placebo (placebo). A special process then the function of the macula was measured. In the lutein group was here, in contrast to the control group - a significant improvement.
Many patients can confirm this, after a few months, the vision has improved.
The researchers hope to prove the efficacy of lutein in a planned larger study concludes.

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The soybean

I recommend again and again during my treatments that I prescribe to the patient that you should eat more soy products. By that I mean, soy beans - bean sprouts - soy milk - tofu
etc. Now I think it is important to know what is at all times inside this bean.
Here are some interesting information.

The dietetic value of soybean

The lack of intensity differs significantly from the soybean development in our pulses, which contain about 50% carbohydrates, mostly in the form of starch. The soy protein is
fully satisfying, that is, it contains as well as meat, eggs, milk and fish all the essential amino acids.
The fat of the soybean contains no cholesterol and is in full eg soy flour in front of very finely divided 99% digestible form. The high content of essential unsaturated fatty acids (62%) the fat is of high biological value and thus can be particularly recommended in the daily diet. Unsaturated fatty acids also exert a cholesterol lowering effect. Particularly important is the unusually high soybean lecithin (2-2.5%) which is for the egg / 3.7%) the lezithinhaltigste food. As a result, the soybean conquered all the more the diet when it comes to improving the nerve and brain function, or rebuild and to prevent the fatty liver.
The carbohydrate content (20 to 26.5%) with the lack of any strength is also nutritionally very valuable. The carbohydrates consist mainly of sugars that are burned by diabetics. Soy products are therefore particularly suitable for diabetics. The mineral content of soya bean shows a far higher percentage than most other major food, namely 4.5 - 5%. This value is 7 times higher than that of milk, 5 x eggs than meat ind, 3 x as in cereal flours and vegetables and 2 of us known as legumes. The mineral substances in the metabolism of the soy bean contribute highly alkalizing, thus increase the alkali reserve of blood. Among the minerals is especially the high content of calcium, potassium, magnesium and iron. However, the low sodium and chlorine content, which eg for a salt free diet is important. The unusually high nutritional value of soybeans and soybean products is fully clear only when one learns that correspond to 500g full-fat soybean and More in the protein content from about 5 L of whole milk or 28 chicken eggs.
I hope with this information, I can often motivate times in the supermarket after soybeans to look for.

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are HMAugsburger
Currently we have no recommendations and data from the DGE with respect to a known bronchial asthma. Of course, should be known food allergens be avoided, and are taken with inhaled load factors appropriate prophylactic measures.
Both epidemiological studies and from intervention and clinical studies suggest that high consumption of salt, the incidence of asthma increases in populations and increasingly in some patients the symptoms. This effect can apparently only at men who do not demonstrate contrast in women. Explains this phenomenon, among other things with a with a high salt intake increased sensitivity of the bronchial muscles. A high-calorie diet
seems appropriate, where the energy should be met primarily by carbohydrates. A
special importance is the ascorbic acid. an optimal concentration of this vitamin improves the immune status of the respiratory organs, and thus the pulmonary function. A protective effect also has magnesium. Him a crucial importance in the relaxation of the smooth muscle of the bronchi. People with only a low magnesium intake is more likely to develop asthma and other obstructive lung diseases.
The loss of muscle mass in seriously ill patients with long-term protein deficiency leads to a reduction of the respiratory muscles, which particularly affects the diaphragm.
recommendations from the medical nutriologischen
Important: There are some significant differences from the recommendations the DGE (German Society for Nutrition), this will soon be included on this page. Please note the link on our home page. These recommendations are not intended as a prompt implementation. In principle, changes in diet and the use of orthomolecular substances are discussed with the doctor!
first Vitamin E 600-1200 mg / d
second Magnesium 300-600 mg / d
third Vitamin C 500-1000 mg / d
4th ACC 300-600 mg / d
5th Zinc 5-15 mg / d
6th Selenium 50-100 ug / d
7th Penthenol 200-400 mg / d
8th Compensation of iron deficiency
airway inflammation
Magnesium also acts as a mast cell stabilizer, as it was physiological calcium antagonist of the calcium-dependent degranulation and also counteracts first to a Relaxation of the smooth Muskukulatur
out. A chronic deficiency of Mg can be allergic reactions vermehren.Unter is the progressive form of chronic rhinitis with the influx, especially of eosinophils to nasal hyperreactivity with severe obstruction with a reduced sense of smell. Magnesium can the excessive contraction of smooth muscle cells reduced.
second Vitamin C 1000-2000 mg / d
third Zinc 10-25 mg / d
4th Selenium 50-100
5th Vitamin E 400-600 IU
6th Iron 10mg / d
7th Copper 2 mg / d
8th Riboflavin 10-20mg / d
9th B-carotene 3-6mg / d
10th Vitamin A 5000-10000 IU
11th ACC 200-600 mg / d
12th 350 mg-450 mg / d
13th Panthenol 200-500 mg / d
14th 2-3 l / d drink
Chronic bronchitis
first Vitamin C 1000-2000 mg / d
second Zinc 10-25 mg / d
third Selenium 50-100 ug / d
4th Vitamin E 400-600 IU / d
5th Iron 10 mg / d
6th Copper 2 mg / d
7th Riboflavin 10-20mg / d
8th ACC 200-600mg / d
9th 350 mg-450 mg / d
10th Panthenol 200-500 mg / d
11th 2-3 l / d drink
Bronchial hyperreactivity
first Vitamin C 1000-2000 mg / d
second Zinc 10-25 mg / d
third Selenium 50-100 ug / d
4th Vitamin E 400-600 IU / d
5th Manganese 2 mg / d
6th Copper 2 mg / d
7th Riboflavin 10-20mg / d
8th ACC 200-600mg / d
9th 350 mg-600 mg / d
10th 2-3 l / Daily drink

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The tick

It's that time again, the ugly bloodsuckers are active again. Surely you can find this already on your dog or let the nasty critters when filled to the brim of your pets to fall to the ground and you then have to take this with a "iiiiii".
The tick is a global common blood-sucking parasite that feeds on the blood of its hosts. The tick has gained as vectors of disease to humans and animals dubious celebrity.
the tick is infected with pathogens, may be in itself a harmless tick bite on the risk to humans. Stands to them, can get these pathogens in the body of the host's blood. In addition, the tick is also a highly specialized animal that is through build behavior well adapted to their environment.
arachnid tick
The tick is an arachnid. This is evident, for example, at the eight legs of the adult tick. The tick is one of the group of mites. It is a parasite, ie it needs other beings, of whose blood they feed on, like a mosquito.
The tick needs a lot of blood
But compared to the mosquito the tick needs a lot more blood. In extreme cases, it is up to 15 days on their host (animals and humans), and drink his blood. But she looks at her victim an appropriate body, such as in humans, the armpit or the genital area to have a firm hold and survive even scraping or scrubbing without damage.
The body of the tick
At the head of the tick are the piercing and sucking organ of food intake. The first pair of legs sit the most important sense organs and the powerful claws, with which the tick to hold on to their victims. The breathing holes are located behind the last pair of legs, the genitals sitting on the lower part of the abdomen.
As the tick The tick stings
has a highly developed sting apparatus. With its scissor-like mouthparts (chelicerae) it pulls the skin of the host, and digs with her "sting" (hypostome) a hole in the fabric, which is full of blood. This sucks blood from the tick again.
caught on host and glue
The sting apparatus of the tick itself has many small barbs, which are symmetrically arranged. With them to keep the tick firmly at its host.
By sucking blood increases the weight of the tick. Some ticks produce after the bite also another kind of adhesive bonded and thus with the host. However, this does not apply to the Commons wooden support. This species does not produce cement, as the production This adhesive is reciprocal to the length of the Stechapparts behaves.
blood can grow

tick the tick sucks the blood in their bowel. This consists of many attachments and is so flexible that a fully sucked tick up to 200 times as much can weigh on how hungry. Long life

With a single blood meal, a tick survive very long. In the laboratory could tick that had previously sucked blood to survive up to ten 10 years without food. In the wild, the wood tick live on average three to five years.
Ticks can transmit your bite following diseases: Lyme disease

The disease is of a spiral-shaped bacterium, the "Borrelia burgdorferi" triggered. It is the most common tick-transmitted disease in North and Central Europe ..
is known the disease for over 100 years. Willy Burgdorfer discovered only in 1982 but that it is caused by bacteria transmitted by ticks. The Borrelia
live in the gut of ticks. ill
How many people in Germany it is difficult to determine. It is estimated that every year in Germany suffer tens of thousands of people in it.
A disease can have many symptoms. Many of them are also seen in other diseases make the it difficult to diagnose a disease.
tick-borne encephalitis (TBE)
The tick-borne encephalitis, TBE is short, one caused by the TBE virus disease. The virus attacks the central nervous system of humans.
The TBE virus is transmitted primarily by ticks to humans. There are also a few known cases where the added benefit of raw milk from infected cows or goats TBE caused the disease.
were reported last year nearly 550 clinical cases in Germany (Jan. 2007). Not every tick-borne encephalitis infection leads to severe disease. The doctors have been able to figure out yet why it occurs in some people to severe illness and even death in the mind while others TBE-infected patients only slightly or not at all. What is certain is that the age of those infected has an important role. The older the person, the worse, the TBE run.

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Goji berries a fountain of strength

Goji berries - power and well-being is
In Asia, the Goji berry as the fruit of well-being. The bright red berries to promote traditional Chinese medicine, the life force. In a handbook for physicians from the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) states that ". It strengthens the body and gives a long life" in Tibet to celebrate even festivals, with which one is for the health benefits of this "happy fruit" thanks. Only in recent years to make the fruits of the wolfberry (Lycium barbarum), also in America and Europe talked about - as "anti-aging berry", as herbal substance of beauty and youthfulness.

take Traditionally, the Chinese, the dried goji berries to treat high blood pressure and blood sugar, eye problems, to support the immune system and for the prevention and treatment of cancer. For cooking, the oblong-oval and up to 2 cm sized fruit has always been used, or - even eaten raw - they are sweet. Leaves of young plants are used as leaf vegetables.

Where the true home of the wolfberry is, is unclear, probably his natural habitat of southeastern Europe to China to find. In the north-western Chinese provinces of Gansu, Ningxia, Qinghai and Inner Mongolia is growing to the nightshade family Solanaceae belonging wolfberry wild and plentiful. From there it spread as a cultivated plant throughout Asia, Europe, North America (here, "Wolf Berry), and in North Africa and Australia.

In summer and autumn, the fruits are harvested and dried in the sun. The mature orange-red Goji berries remind Europeans in appearance to hips, in dried form, they resemble raisins. They taste similar to the fruity cranberry tart. Recent scientific

Studies support the good reputation of the Goji berries as a gift of nature. Accordingly, they have strong antioxidant, ie cell-protective properties - delaying an important factor to the aging process. Laboratory studies also showed evidence that carotenoids from wolfberry (zeaxanthin and lutein) to promote the blood supply to the optic nerve of the eye and protect from destruction when a glaucoma is present. Polysaccharides from the plant have immunomodulatory effects. And there are several laboratory studies and a clinical study on the effectiveness against cancer.

Prof. Dr. Earl Mindell, author of some nutritional and vitamin bestseller, made the general public on the scientific study carefully: "The goji berry contains by far the greatest potential health benefits of essential nutrients that I have encountered in my decades of research. Their positive effect on the body is unparalleled and is achieved so far by any other known plant. "Then was the fruit in the United States in the Kitchen. In Great Britain and Ireland goji berries in the fall of 2007 in a few weeks, best-selling health product health food trade.

gave a result more and more companies in the form of dried Goji berries, in cereal, granola bars, mixed nuts, chocolate or as a juice or tea. Goji berries taste in soups, sauces and salads as well as in home-made bread and cakes. They can also be eaten raw such as raisins right out of hand.

The wolfberry fruits contain much vitamin C. The percentage of B-vitamins is remarkably high (B1, B2, B3). The content of other vitamins, minerals and trace elements is remarkable. In the goji berry can be detected in a total of 18 protein building blocks (amino acids) and 21 trace elements.

Article condition is also beta-sitosterol, a phytosterol cholesterolähnliches that can lower the fat content of the blood and favorable effect on prostate enlargement. In addition, anthocyanins, which are antioxidant plant pigments, for example, prevent the oxidation of harmful LDL-cholesterol and thereby prevent deposits in the vessels. According to research 30 grams of Goji berries are sufficient per day to supply the body with the required amount of cell-protective biomaterials.

Goji berries have a positive effect on our immune system. They cause an increase of white blood cells, to animal health of our body and make the macrophages actively and effectively. The distribution of one of the most common antibodies, immunoglobulin A (IgA), rose after the regular consumption of goji berries by 75 percent. The wolfberry fruits increase the production of interleukin-2, a chemical messenger that natural killer cells to increased activity - For example in the fight against cancer cells - stimulates.

The brain benefits from the goji fruit. Sun researchers tested the protective effect of the berry against amyloid peptides, the main culprit in the emergence of Alzheimer's disease. In fact, in the test animals died from a few nerve cells when they were protected by Goji. Chinese extract of goji berries are therefore already made tons to Europe and the USA, to be used in medicine as the active ingredient.

Goji berries one also can breed. Nurseries and garden centers offer the frost-resistant box thorn-bushes on already, Internet service providers send seedlings. In intervals of five feet the plants in 30 inch deep holes in the ground set. After a year, the branches are pruned heavily, suggesting the bush become stronger. If the berries are ripe, they can be dried, frozen or juice pressed from it.

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The Goji berry

It's been a remarkable story: researching the world within a few years, thousands of scientists intensively on a small, coral-red fruit. The reason: it absolutely unprecedented wealth of health-promoting ingredients.
than 2,700 scientific research studies and medical reviews were about the amazing effect of the otherwise generally unknown goji berry, the Latin name Lycium barbarum shall be published.
example, contains the Goji berry such as 4000 percent more antioxidants than oranges and more B-vitamins than any other fruit. These scientists discovered a hitherto unparalleled potential in minerals and trace elements as well as many other vitamins and vital substances. In specialist circles, it is already speaking of a true health and anti-aging sensation.
The well-known American expert on nutrition and dietary supplements, Prof. Dr. Dr. Earl Mindell, author of several dozen health-sellers, confirmed after a thorough analysis: "The goji berry contains by far the greatest potential in health promotion Vital substances that met me in my decades of research. Their positive effect on the body is unparalleled and is achieved so far by any other known plant. "
was in Central Asia, the goji fruit since ancient times for its excellent effect on health, longevity, vitality and beauty as the first choice. That this is not without reason, the latest scientific findings, and analyzes evidence from around the world. It's unique richness and composition is so far partly unknown vital substances, by showing that fruit with so many complaints, symptoms and syndromes excellent results without the slightest trace of undesirable side effects.
In this case, the dried Goji fruits are just as cheap as tasty. A handful eaten daily, will do wonders in a few weeks, I can now confirm themselves. Attention of the media was not until the Hollywood celebrities discovered the berries as the ultimate well-being, health and anti-aging and these customers almost explosively spread within a few months in the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Hundreds of companies are now offering Goji products - from dried berries to Goji juice, goji bars, goji cereals, chocolate, Goji, Goji wine, liqueur, Goji, Goji coffee, tea, Goji, to the Goji oil and more. The demand sometimes exceeded the offering, mostly originating from Central China fruit, although alone were harvested in the Ningxia province in 2007 more than 850,000 free hundredweight goji berries of some 45 million Goji shrubs.
Now the goji wave spills due to a well-researched book release * to Europe. UK and Ireland has achieved the news already, especially in Biohandel advanced goji products within a few weeks to the sales driver number one health products.
But here the best news: Goji shrubs grow in virtually all regions of the world - including Europe. Thus, virtually everyone in the home garden shrub itself and drag it so that the fruit with the greatest Density and variety of vital substances in all previously known pick your own food. Experienced nursery registered already sharply rising demand for Lycium barbarum shrubs.

Preparation H Fisures

Diabetes and Ayurveda

diabetes in modern medicine


The diabetes common in Western societies, almost like an epidemic. Its origin is mainly attributable to diet and lifestyle. Holistic methods such as Ayurveda therefore have good chances of success.
Diabetes is a disease of glucose regulation. In healthy blood sugar is about 100 mg%. The value is maintained by the interaction of various hormones, the insulin the most important. If increases in blood sugar after a meal, the pancreas from insulin, which the sugar level falls again. Large amounts of sugar and carbohydrates in the diet and physical inactivity can derail the long-term glucose regulation.

carbohydrates include sugar, the carbohydrates in addition to the main potato and all cereals and cereal products such as noodles or bread. They are reduced in the metabolism of glucose. While sugar was a rarity even 200 years ago and corn was used as whole grains, have in recent decades, the eating habits changed dramatically. Sugar is not only found in large quantities in confectionery, bakery products and soft drinks, but the flavor is adjustable for goods as diverse as mustard, ketchup or sausages. Simultaneously, the grain be milled and processed in the form of white flour.

What has this to do with diabetes? White flour products and sugars are digested faster than whole grains. This makes the sugar from the intestine into the blood flowing quickly, there is an over-rapid increase in blood sugar. The body reacts with a high distribution to insulin. The sugar level drops. As sugar and white flour products are digested quickly, it is taking the excessive insulin response to a frequent hypoglycemia. And hypoglycemia, the organism reacts with a craving for carbohydrates and that for carbohydrates that are quickly absorbed by the blood, that is, sweets or white flour products.
This creates a vicious circle. Any carbohydrate-rich meal leads to hunger for more carbohydrates. Each time, the pancreas responds with an overheated insulin. (Fig. 1) And now comes another an unfavorable mechanism in place. The insulin acts on the cells like a key that opens it to save sugar but also protein and fat. If now in the blood increases the insulin continuously, dull cells off so to speak. They are in the increasingly insulin resistant. The pancreas must produce so for the same effect on blood sugar more and more insulin. And so we have a second vicious circle. Because insulin also increases with increasing insulin resistance of the cells. (Fig. 2) This continues until the pancreas is exhausted. Then there is a diabetes. The age at which diabetes occurs the first time is often at 50 or 60 years. And it is increasingly down. It is expected that will suffer under the same diet for nearly 20 years on a large amount of sugar. Therefore, one speaks of a new epidemic.

The body can excess glucose as glycogen in muscles and liver store. The liver is 100-150 g record, the muscles around 1% of their weight, which makes g for an adult male about 500. If the glycogen stores full, sugar is converted into fat.
When sport and exercise, first burned the glycogen stores. They are exhausted after about 30 minutes. Then on to the percentage of body fat burning. So if you move regularly, can store large amounts of sugar in the muscles. The storage is done without the help of insulin. Conversely, lack of exercise causes the muscles consume no glycogen and beyond their ability to store increasingly lose.
is why the combination of lack of exercise and excessive consumption of rapidly absorbable carbohydrates essential for the development of diabetes.
(The second form of juvenile diabetes affects mostly children and young people and has a completely different history. He is not the subject of these statements.)

The effect of insulin
around the entire complex of diabetes to truly understand, one must the action of insulin a closer look.
The insulin is one of the nurturing hormones and leads to the storage of carbohydrates, fat and protein in the cells. It is an important basis of growth. In contrast, it makes too much fat. Most cases of obesity can be attributed to excessive carbohydrate consumption and attributed to increased insulin levels.
Excess carbohydrates are converted into fat. In addition, high insulin levels alter the lipid metabolism of the liver, so that increase blood fats and cholesterol. As a "growth hormone" insulin can increase the muscle. This leads to increased blood pressure values. Finally, insulin increases the tendency to inflammation in tissues such as in the arteries.
belongs together one of these factors, then out of increased carbohydrate consumption and the increased Insulin levels to obesity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and inflammation of the inner arterial walls (atherosclerosis). These 4 diseases are appearing together under the term "metabolic syndrome" known. Almost half of all people over 60 is affected. Take one (or two) means to prevent blood pressure, one against the cholesterol, a blood thinner, to one (or two) of sugar means, one for men or women of the prostate and the menopause.
This is incredible when you consider that the metabolic syndrome is predominantly a lifestyle disease. Such as prevention or cure is possible to experience it in the next paragraphs.

diabetes and
Ayurveda Diabetes is described in the original texts of Ayurveda, the term Prameha. The elderly are particularly noticed the changes in the urine. The sugar in urine, they used no test strips, but monitor the impact of ants on the hermachen sweet urine. In ayurvedic terminology, the sugar is primarily a disorder of Kapha and Medha (fat metabolism) and an excess of waste products (Ama). Kapha is the dosha with a sluggish metabolism. It is reinforced above all by the sweet taste (carbohydrates). It is interesting that the old doctors to have seen diabetes in relation to dyslipidaemia (metabolic syndrome).

Therapeutic considerations over ¬

earth represents continuity, stability and endurance, the water for coolness, cohesion and stickiness. An excess of Kapha is balanced by the elements fire, air and space or the pitta and vata doshas. This forms the basis of the therapy are already predetermined.

first Strengthening of the fire (Pitta)
The fire element is responsible for digestion and metabolism. Hot meals, light forms of the preparation and skillful seasoning are simple ways to strengthen the fire. Among the flavors represented mainly by sharp and to a lesser extent, sour and salty fire. An Ayurvedic specialty is the hot water that is consumed regularly in small sips. It cleanses the tissues and stimulates the metabolism. Similar effect, hot teas or decoctions with spices. Table 1 (Fig. 3) the main points for strengthening of the fire are summarized.

second Recovery of air and space (Vata)
The spatial element in the organism, the basis for any mass transfer as it occurs in the vessels, tissue spaces and pores in cell membranes. Purification therapy and weight loss give the metabolism more space. In contrast, slagging and overweight common causes of diabetes.
The air movement stands for, regulation and information. Regular physical activity supports the air element and is the basis of any diabetes therapy. Bitter the taste, put in the best space and air, to a lesser extent, sharp and tart. Leafy vegetables and salads and some spices are the most important representatives of the bitter taste.

third Herbs and spices with a good support
diabetes and some bitterness the management of diabetes. Some spices deserve special mention. The best documented is the effect of cinnamon. Diabetics have also received to their medication 1, 3 or 6 g cinnamon / day. The blood sugar fell by 18 to 29%. At the same time improved the values for blood fats and cholesterol. It was noticeable that the degree of glucose lowering, regardless of the dose was administered. The blood glucose-lowering effect was already one at 1 g cinnamon / day.
Another great spice turmeric. It lowers cholesterol, blood fats and blood sugar. In addition, it has a detoxifying, liver tonic, immune modulating, reducing inflammation and tumorprotektiv.
An old home remedy for diabetes is the fenugreek seeds. You have to get used to the slightly bitter taste. With a bit of joy in experimentation can be daily 1-2 TL place as a spice.
Other spices, for a sugar-lowering effects are described, ginger, garlic, basil, pepper or long plantain seeds.

4th Diabetes and Detox
is clear from the foregoing that detoxification is a basic treatment for diabetes. There are several possibilities.
A classic ayurvedic ways to detox is the hot water treatment. They drink during the day every 15 to 30 minutes of hot water that has boiled preferably 10 minutes. One can trace ginger, add lemon, turmeric, fenugreek seeds and cinnamon. The diet itself should focus on in the first 3-5 days of vegetable soups . Limited Subsequently are vegetables, boiled legumes (dal) and in small quantities carbohydrates such as rice, millet, amaranth, etc. allowed. Overall, the purification of at least 10 days. The royal road
Ayur Vedic ¬ purification is Pancha Karma. You should be preceded by a Heißwasserkur. Pancha Karma relieves the tissue matrix of toxins and balances in this way the signal type (dosha). In diabetes it must be adapted to the changed metabolism.

5th Herbs and Diabetes
A large number of medicinal herbs with mostly bitter or bitter taste has a supporting role in diabetes. The mechanism is not clear in all cases. They often improve glucose tolerance, ie the cells are more sensitive to insulin and take the sugar more easily. The blood glucose lowering effect occurs only at elevated blood sugar. Tinospora cordifolia
(Guduchi): Guduchi is a bitter and astringent taste, heating plant. Thus, it fits perfectly into the profile of a medicinal plant for diabetes. Guduchi is also a liver remedy acts on the fat metabolism, is a tonic and increases the immune system.
Azadirachta indica (Nimba): Nimba is extremely bitter and cooling. Through its anti-inflammatory and immune-enhancing effects, it refers to inflammation the skin and mucous membranes application. In the presence of diabetes, it helps to save on drugs
Emblica officinalis (Amalaki): Amalaki is one of the most popular tonic of Ayurveda. It reduces inflammation, boosts the metabolism, protects skin and mucous membranes and reduces an excessive Pitta. As an additive in diabetes, it is recommended especially for Pittatypen.
Commiphora mukul (Guggul) Guggulu is made from the resin of a tree and is considered the Indian myrrh. It tastes bitter, astringent and pungent and is heat. It therefore has a strong affinity for Kapha and fat tissue. Guggulu lowers blood fats and cholesterol. It supports the weight loss and improved the sugar metabolism. Guggulu also supports the capillary blood circulation, is anti-inflammatory and strengthens the heart. The entire profile makes it an excellent plant Guggulu the metabolic syndrome.
India for two other herbs, Momordica charantia (balsam pear, bitter cucumber) and Gymnema sylvestre (Meshasringi) have demonstrated significant glucose-lowering effects. They should therefore be taken only for professional monitoring and regular blood sugar control.

6th Ayurveda and modern eating habits
balanced between an Ayurvedic diet and eating habits are often modern worlds, and 3000 years of development. They should regard be briefly discussed on diabetes.

- grain has been cultivated for 8,000 years, a short time, compared with the entire history of mankind. For about 200 years, grain is being milled to white flour. Sugar is known in Europe around 1400. 200 years ago began the manufacture of sugar from sugar beet. Since then, the sugar consumption by a factor of 15 has increased! The human metabolism is adapted to this development in any way.
just vegetarians who want to eat healthily fall, often in the Kohlehydratfalle. Therefore, the majority of carbohydrates are eaten in a full-fledged form. Whole grains are digested slowly, causing the sugar levels slowly increases. This fact is reflected in glycemic index. The glycemic index is a measure of how fast carbohydrates enter the bloodstream from the intestine. Theory and practice are described in Montignac and Grillparzer and on the Internet.

Another unfortunate development for the diabetic is the changed composition of fats in the diet. This involves the so-called omega-3 fatty acids. They protect the vessels, lower blood pressure, improve blood lipids, preventing inflammation and stabilize blood sugar. Modern nutrition leads to a lack of omega-3 fatty acids. For diabetics, however, they are a must. They are included in linseed oil, rapeseed oil, hemp oil and marine fish from cold waters (salmon, herring, etc.). Are the omega-3 fatty acids from diet is fed enough, the intake of fish oil capsules may be useful.

- vegetables and salads have always grown from conventional to lower values for minerals, trace elements, vitamins and antioxidants. On the other hand, the diabetic metabolic state results in a higher consumption of essential nutrients. So if you are not 100% full access to gene and organic food should get used to the idea of a vitamin and mineral supplement. Thus improving minerals such as chromium, zinc or vanadium regulate blood sugar levels, the B vitamins have a key position in the metabolism, vitamin C and alpha-lipoic acid can reduce damages from diabetes.

- The Ayurveda recommends food freshly prepared. This does not bring in freeze-dried potato powder is a "freshly cooked" mashed potatoes on the table. With few exceptions, one should refrain from industrial food gap. Nothing wrong in them, not the pre-cooking, not the preservation, not the flavor, not the infinite number of additions. Meanwhile, there are "slow food" a backlash against fast food, the natural foods of the region is recommended. This corresponds to the basic Ayurvedic Principles.

Who wants to eat Ayurvedic should consider these points in order to arrive at a truly balanced diet.

The diabetes and with him socialized metabolic syndrome can be a few measures address easy

at least 1 / 2 hour exercise per day with tight walking or cycling are enough ¬
fresh, whole, low-sugar / free food. If possible, prepared according to ayurvedic perspective.
reduction of waste by weight and a hot water treatment and / or Pancha Karma.
selective use of spices like cinnamon, turmeric, ginger, fenugreek seeds etc.
Ayurvedic medicinal herbs as dietary supplements may
fish oil capsules, pancreatin, chromium, and a multi mineral / vitamin supplement.