Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Genital Acne Prictures


The tick

It's that time again, the ugly bloodsuckers are active again. Surely you can find this already on your dog or let the nasty critters when filled to the brim of your pets to fall to the ground and you then have to take this with a "iiiiii".
The tick is a global common blood-sucking parasite that feeds on the blood of its hosts. The tick has gained as vectors of disease to humans and animals dubious celebrity.
the tick is infected with pathogens, may be in itself a harmless tick bite on the risk to humans. Stands to them, can get these pathogens in the body of the host's blood. In addition, the tick is also a highly specialized animal that is through build behavior well adapted to their environment.
arachnid tick
The tick is an arachnid. This is evident, for example, at the eight legs of the adult tick. The tick is one of the group of mites. It is a parasite, ie it needs other beings, of whose blood they feed on, like a mosquito.
The tick needs a lot of blood
But compared to the mosquito the tick needs a lot more blood. In extreme cases, it is up to 15 days on their host (animals and humans), and drink his blood. But she looks at her victim an appropriate body, such as in humans, the armpit or the genital area to have a firm hold and survive even scraping or scrubbing without damage.
The body of the tick
At the head of the tick are the piercing and sucking organ of food intake. The first pair of legs sit the most important sense organs and the powerful claws, with which the tick to hold on to their victims. The breathing holes are located behind the last pair of legs, the genitals sitting on the lower part of the abdomen.
As the tick The tick stings
has a highly developed sting apparatus. With its scissor-like mouthparts (chelicerae) it pulls the skin of the host, and digs with her "sting" (hypostome) a hole in the fabric, which is full of blood. This sucks blood from the tick again.
caught on host and glue
The sting apparatus of the tick itself has many small barbs, which are symmetrically arranged. With them to keep the tick firmly at its host.
By sucking blood increases the weight of the tick. Some ticks produce after the bite also another kind of adhesive bonded and thus with the host. However, this does not apply to the Commons wooden support. This species does not produce cement, as the production This adhesive is reciprocal to the length of the Stechapparts behaves.
blood can grow

tick the tick sucks the blood in their bowel. This consists of many attachments and is so flexible that a fully sucked tick up to 200 times as much can weigh on how hungry. Long life

With a single blood meal, a tick survive very long. In the laboratory could tick that had previously sucked blood to survive up to ten 10 years without food. In the wild, the wood tick live on average three to five years.
Ticks can transmit your bite following diseases: Lyme disease

The disease is of a spiral-shaped bacterium, the "Borrelia burgdorferi" triggered. It is the most common tick-transmitted disease in North and Central Europe ..
is known the disease for over 100 years. Willy Burgdorfer discovered only in 1982 but that it is caused by bacteria transmitted by ticks. The Borrelia
live in the gut of ticks. ill
How many people in Germany it is difficult to determine. It is estimated that every year in Germany suffer tens of thousands of people in it.
A disease can have many symptoms. Many of them are also seen in other diseases make the it difficult to diagnose a disease.
tick-borne encephalitis (TBE)
The tick-borne encephalitis, TBE is short, one caused by the TBE virus disease. The virus attacks the central nervous system of humans.
The TBE virus is transmitted primarily by ticks to humans. There are also a few known cases where the added benefit of raw milk from infected cows or goats TBE caused the disease.
were reported last year nearly 550 clinical cases in Germany (Jan. 2007). Not every tick-borne encephalitis infection leads to severe disease. The doctors have been able to figure out yet why it occurs in some people to severe illness and even death in the mind while others TBE-infected patients only slightly or not at all. What is certain is that the age of those infected has an important role. The older the person, the worse, the TBE run.


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