Tuesday, February 23, 2010

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colds echinacea-time!

Echinacea Echinacea purpurea / cone flower

immunomodulators to strengthen the immune system.
A strong immune system is essential for the prevention of colds. Therefore, the preventive use of immune modulators, which are substances that stimulate the immune system, often a good idea. Often they also still show up when the first signs of a cold.

The effect of echinacea is in use.
One of the most famous and best-studied plant with immune-modulatory effect of the purple coneflower or Echinacea purpurea. Echinacea increases the number of leukocytes and the spleen cells, thus promoting the non-specific defense.

application for colds, urinary tract infections and superficial Wounds.
, so it is ideal for the supportive treatment of recurrent infections of the respiratory tract and urinary tract. Externally, it can also be used for poorly healing, superficial wounds. The application is with the pressed juice from fresh, conducted at the height of harvested above-ground plant parts. From the pressed juice drops, ointments, gels and injectable solutions are prepared.

contraindications should be observed.
Echinacea should not be given to diseases that are progressive. These include: tuberculosis, rheumatism, multiple sclerosis, HIV infection and leukemia.
injections may not be as pregnancy should be applied. In readiness for Compositae allergy should generally not be taken echinacea preparation.

side effects and interactions are not known.
side effects are not known. Overdoses can occur at over-reactions, including chills, nausea, vomiting and temporary fever. Interactions with other drugs have not yet occurred.

dosage and administration depend on the concentration.
The pressed juice, for example, drops must be individually metered according to the type and severity of the disease. The concentration in the various preparations can vary widely be. It is best to keep to the manufacturer's specifications to achieve maximum impact. It is also important that you comply with this exact dosing instructions. In doses do not work, and overdoses can cause over-reactions. The duration of treatment has an influence on effectiveness. Note that drops often include alcohol. Ointments and gels should contain at least 15 percent juice pressed


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