Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Broken Blood Vessel In Lip

orthomolecular medicine what is it?

What is Orthomolecular Medicine?

More and more people are convinced that a balanced diet is essential for good health. Increasingly, the question is whether today's foods are more suited to a sufficient extent for a healthy diet. In this context, often summarized as "orthomolecular medicine". This - even micro-vital substance medicine called - is the scientific basis for prevention and treatment of diet-and environment-related diseases by the selective use of vital materials dar.

vitamins, minerals, trace elements, amino acids and fatty acids to the human organism regularly in sufficient quantities supplied with food be because he does not itself produce. Even the absence of a single vital substance can decrease productivity: non-specific symptoms such as lethargy, increased infections, poor concentration and irritability occur and often can not be explained. There are in our foods these substances do not have enough available, we rely on a supply by so-called dietary supplements.
prepares long term deficiency of vital substances even slowly and silently to the ground for serious diseases such as atherosclerosis, type II diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis and rheumatism. From the large number of necessary nutrients the body needs from a few very small Quantities - the so-called trace elements. They are also called micro-nutrients and take in every cell of the human organism vital functions.
The immune system, nerve cells, the work of the muscle fibers and many other functions depend on the optimal care from all the nutrients. As building blocks of enzymes are involved in more than 100 000 complex metabolic processes. All nutrients must be at the right time, right place and in the concentration judge be present for the finely tuned interplay of cells, tissues and organs functioning smoothly. Without this wide range of minerals - vitamins - amino acids it comes to metabolic disorders that result have that we pave the way for many diseases to our body. We now know a great many such diseases are defined using the umbrella term "diseases of civilization". None of these so-called diseases of civilization must be, any form of degenerative change are dramatic signs of under-supply our bodies with the appropriate materials.

The term "orthomolecular" - literally - the "right molecules" - or in essence "the right nutrients," was the American biochemist Professor Dr. Linus Pauling (1901 - 1994) marked the two-time Nobel Laureate. formulated in 1968 the basic principle: "Orthomolecular Medicine of the maintenance of good health and treating disease by changing the concentrations of substances in the human body, which should normally be present in the body and health is necessary." Linus Pauling led many studies of vitamin C and showed how many diseases we cure only with the addition of vitamin C can prevent or even. Despite the many predictions to the pharmaceutical, vitamin C is not needed in such high doses, you guess at the ortho-molecular medicine, take a vitamin C and that at high doses, it prolongs your life! Conclusion

Everyone is thus dependent on the regular and balanced supply of micro nutrients found in the quantities that should usually located in the cells of his body. Only as the prerequisite for correct metabolic flow and optimal performance of the human organism is ensured. Thus, the central area of influence of orthomolecular medicine is not only prevention of diseases in the therapy accompanying transfer of micro vital substances in case of illness. I maintain targeted medication with vitamins / minerals / amino acids, etc. can be cured any disease. Try it out, you can find out about it and forget the many TV reports the above reports to the contrary, because most stations are on sale, sale by the pharmaceutical giants.


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