Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Extraction Of Essential Oils Present In Cardomom

arises as diabetes?

Robert Paterna

Before answering this question, I refer to the book of our city editor Roman Müller. Still in 2004 he went to his book "Age Diabetes everything under control" on this theme and wrote was "Even before 3500, the diabetes known
particularly in Egypt and there again at the higher castes who are better off than the common people. They are the effects of over-nutrition, obesity and physical inactivity, which fit together as a sinister conglomerate and as a metabolic disease in an absolute or relative insulin deficiency noticeable. The result is consistently high blood sugar levels, unless something is done about it.

The doctors still have a very convenient explanation ready. It reads like this: Many type II diabetics already have a diabetic parent. And now to explain everything, inheritance of the genes and so on? Where, however, the diabetic parent his diabetes, again by his parents? Much better can be explained in the search for the causes of diabetes with the amended since the second world war food habits. There is no doubt: We eat too much and too unhealthy. The glucose and fat production in the body is in full swing, as we move simultaneously in return for little. We take in more calories than we execute and produce more glucose than we need.

everything right and still remains a somewhat uncertain feeling, because who does not know the 70-year-old thicknesses from next door, the whole course its increased waist circumference as a trophy pushed forward, or thickness, with their plump hips the stairs pants high, but the diabetes is not an issue? As is hardly surprising that, again with the parents of whom had not containing sugar or what?

Whether we realize it now or not, so far is the emergence of adult-onset diabetes still puzzled. Maybe bring a statement of the WHO little clearer: Incorrect or overeating and too little physical stress, surgery, inflammation, fever, pregnancy and diseases like diabetes, as well as taking certain medications (eg cortisone). Also due to the excitement of the hormone adrenaline, an opponent of insulin. Injection of too little insulin or too short interval between injection and food intake affects the stability of blood sugar levels. The same applies to irregular or missed tablets. "

So much for the submissions Roman Müller about the city of diabetes.

A urine test strips to light up dark

When I first read these lines, I was soon clear that obesity is not the cause of diabetes, but only one risk factor, albeit an important one.

About 14 months before I broke out in adult-onset diabetes and I had no idea that I would soon become a diabetic, I had to because of another disease to the doctor. The nurse examined my urine sample had brought and told me that I was probably a "small" Inflammation I'm in, as she put it. She explained that the leukocyte values were slightly increased, which would indicate inflammation in the body. However, since a few days later, were present in a blood test, no signs of inflammation or infection, I forgot the matter quickly, especially since I also felt no discomfort. Months later, when the diabetes noticeable by a metabolic imbalance was, I remembered the words of the nurse.

I then worked closely with the adult-onset diabetes, but also my family doctor could give me no other information than me on my excess weight (About 14 kilograms) and the medical history of my mother to make as causes of attention, which was also suffering from diabetes in old age. Only much later did I realize that, of the then established "small" inflammation of the pancreas was affected. And today I diabetic patients with other concerned truly believe that is the inflammation of the pancreas, which over many years away can remain undetected, the actual cause for the development of diabetes and obesity accelerates the pathological situation.

is clear to me also to see that an analysis of a urine sample, the increase in white blood cell count slightly can be. The reason is that it will include in the package inserts of the test strip usually a split-second reaction time the color scale, the true values of the leukocyte-state but only after about 1 minute with the contact of urine with the color scale are visible.

But after about 1 minute can change the color of the test strip to be very low, so that they hardly noticed. The "small" ignition then falls to barely, but it is responsible for the slow destruction of the pancreas. What is more, that the increase in leukocyte values merely states that in general inflammation in the body is present. Which body of which is concerned, is it not apparent.

inflamed Why is the pancreas?

I know is not in medical research, but I could not as yet nothing about it, why ever inflamed the pancreas. What causes this?

Gradually, however, I came to the conclusion that there can be only one reason: The pancreas is either infected with viruses or bacteria. She is suffering from a infection so far not detected bacterial or viruellen. The is not as absurd as it sounds at first. It was the realization that viruses, unlike bacteria in the body for years and even be able to hide for decades and this will lead to no harm, they can then suddenly attack from unspecified reasons, so to speak, come to life and healthy tissue cells, illustrates the danger . It consists in the fact that the pancreas inflamed tissue cells die off slowly and increasing their efficiency decreases until the insulin production either completely or partially stops. If the insulin production stops completely, we speak of diabetes mellitus type 1 and if it reduces the production and because provide more overweight body cells to insulin must we speak of type II, the so-called adult onset diabetes.

I come to this view, which differs from the conventional medical hardly, not only for theoretical reasons but also for very practical experience. We are in our group of four people with diabetes (in the beginning we were by 6), two of each type, and all have had the experience that diabetes is 1 and II curable when it is ready to bring to help the pancreas to return to their full capacity . Granted, this is for Type II diabetes is easier than type 1, the juvenile diabetes.
Today, we are convinced, however, that in cases in which the pancreas has their work (which produce insulin) is not completely set, the chance of recovery. You must use only the correct remedy.

My advice: Test your urine to elevated
leukocyte values!

The necessity for the test strips you get at any pharmacy. Take those in which can also be seen in leukocyte value. As already mentioned, you should be independent Beispackzettel of the information contained in or on the tube printed detail wait, the contact time of exactly one minute before reading the value for the leukocyte at the color change. If the value increases, the normal value at 4-10 nl, suggesting that a bacterial infection. In this case, you should definitely let the doctor perform a thorough examination of the pancreas, especially if you have a genetic predisposition and a parent also has or had diabetes. In this investigation can also be determined whether a viral infection and that requirement is not detectable with normal test strip, since the normal value is reached.

Finally, a note on the treatment of the pancreas. Natural medicine has agents that can cause the healing of a contested pancreas caused. Treatments are used in a combination, but this is again another chapter.


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