Thursday, January 13, 2011

Step By Step How To Fix Ironing Board Lever

complication: Fight the gout

Roman Stadtmüller

It was mentioned that many people with diabetes, especially men, also suffer from other metabolic disease of gout. Particularly difficult is the treatment of gout, if it occurs during the metabolic imbalance. An attack of gout has been for non-diabetics a bad thing, as it is connected by the deposition of uric acid crystals with intense pain in the affected joint.

The equally to heredity affects gout returned by impaired excretion of uric acid by the kidneys is to increase the body's uric acid production. In this way it comes to increased uric acid in the blood, called hyperuricemia.

Gout causes intense pain in the joints. This initial stage of gout can occur already long before a gout attack and is often only occurs, when a metabolic imbalance sets. The main problem in gout patients who are also adult-onset diabetes, is the fact that develops from one or more seizures by and by a chronic gout and thereby creates the risk of gout, kidney. This means that the uric acid crystals are deposited not only in the joints and get out there inflammation, but also in the kidneys. Because the kidneys are damaged anyway by the inflated blood sugar and glucose in the urine, which results in a weaker function of the filter system of the kidneys and a distribution of protein in the urine noticeable, may cause the gout kidney a devastating effect.

We need to act so quickly. Now was previously mentioned that Copalchi is able to reduce uric acid levels. This property of the blood sugar-lowering agent is now highly welcome, even if it is not intended to treat an acute attack of gout is, but rather for long-term therapy.

Acute gout can push for all experiences and deal effectively with a traditional drug, the colchicine. When you have to take the tablets exactly as the revenue requirements of the physician or the manufacturer direct, because colchicine is extracted from the plant parts of the autumn crocus and is therefore toxic.

colchicine for gout is, therefore, patients who are at the same age with diabetes, the drug of choice. It is compatible to all good experiences with brewer's yeast, or Gymnema sylvestre Copalchi.

Another long-lasting reduction of uric acid, is then achieved by Copalchi. In most cases, we can thus dispense with the of the doctors recommended drug treatment for long-term allopurinol. Interestingly, reported by many adult-onset diabetes, the additional intake of potassium tablets (As a food supplement in yeast) in them have pushed back the gout and uric acid completely restored to the normal range (for men from 2.0 to 7.0 mg / dl in women and 2.0 to 5.7 mg / dl) . In general, it is advisable to banish purinhaltige foods such as offal, sardines, anchovies and herring from the diet, alcohol consumption best totally eliminate and reduce the meat portions. We also recommend drinking 2-3 liters of fluid per day, which anyway is for age diabetics without gout is a must.

Measure yourself from time to time, the acidity (pH) of urine after! Gauges can be obtained in the pharmacy. A highly acidic urine is a sign of an impending attack of gout.

to be the first time recommended in addition to the revenue of the listed drug different physical cure for direct treatment of people affected by the gout joints at this point: the EMF-IR-Massager , EMF-sound wave massager and the EMF Fußbadewanne. The operation and application of these devices are presented in detail in another chapter.


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