Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Sunbeam Food Processor Bowl


Plantago psyllium Oval totalis

The Indian psyllium (Plantago ovata) as the source material is related to this country found Spitz - and plantain species. Different than the name suggests, it has nothing known to the reproductive habits unpopular small animals do. In Indian medicine preparations of shells of the Indian flea seed, because of its' soothing, sedative and laxative effect in all inflammatory damage of the gastro - intestinal tract in use "Responsible positive for these effects are polysaccharides as cell wall components of the seed coat that are capable of extreme. . retain much moisture Thus, the originally insignificant psyllium in contact with water in a short time by a layer of mucus environment that easily the tenth - takes up to fifteen times the original volume, and thus each ingested gram can bind up to 40 grams of water compared to other swelling agents. such as wheat bran and flaxseed, they are characterized in particular by significantly decreased intestinal gas formation (Hotz and Plein 94) and from their jelly-like property of flammable - narrow problem areas not to stick together. Similar to red blood cells, which can move through tiny capillaries overcome the small grains due to inflammation caused bottlenecks and ensure that back for a physiological bowel activity. Following an increase of bowel movement, it is about the strengthening of the muscles to increased blood flow and thus also to inflammation modulation. In the intestine, the cells capable of bacteria - and to bind and eliminate toxins inflammation. This is the mucous membrane protected from other lesions (Bruchhausen 94). Other positive effects: influence of serum lipids with lowering of total cholesterol levels by 5 - 15%, increased excretion of the atherosclerosis-promoting lipoprotein (LDL), lowering of blood sugar levels, which can result in insulin-dependent diabetics in a reduction of insulin daily requirement; bound excretion of bile acids achieve especially after surgery increases the colon and there, a diarrhea-promoting effect (Levin 90, Bell 89, Anderson 88). Take 3 times daily in 1 teaspoon of liquid yogurt, etc. stirred and after a few days - 2: Application Notes individually to improve on tablespoon. Patients with inflammatory or cicatricial stenosis should make a slow increase. With the help of the flea seed can be influenced by events, as well as blockages in both directions to a physiological bowel activity. Rezeptierbar as an Indian flea seeds (unprocessed form) Plantago Semen Oval totalis. Lactobacillus acidophilus


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