flu virus - What happens if it has caught us?
A flu infection begins with the inhalation of thousands of flu viruses down to the bronchi. There the cells are protected by a layer of mucus, adhere to the foreign bodies and pathogens. Millions of tiny cilia normally carry the foreign body back together with the mucus out. But the flu virus triggers the protective mucus and so sets free the cells. This allows the virus to dock to the cell surface. It penetrates the cell, where it rapidly increased; the cell dies. While the virus has already taken root in the body, we feel it yet. Over two days, the pathogens spread unnoticed from the body. In the bronchi become even unnoticed from macrophages, which kill viruses and transported from the virus remains. To attract more scavenger cells, they release more messengers. While macrophages and mediators released into the bloodstream starts in the brain, the emergency program of the body, the metabolism speeds up and the body temperature rises to a fever. If the infection is raging in the body, senses the sick headache and body pain. He does not hurt anything. To be able to cough up the many viruses can produce the bronchial tubes more and more mucus. Because many cells have already been destroyed, the mucus can not be taken away. The cough occurs one to two days after the fever persists for approximately one week. Because usually also take him a runny nose, and breathing is difficult. You feel bad and done. Other cells of the immune system are added and produce antibodies or to help kill a killer cells, the viruses. These antibodies enter the blood, where they form an immune memory. If in future a similar flu virus attacking the body, it detect the antibodies and the immune system can react immediately. In an otherwise healthy body helps absolute bed rest about to fight the virus.
Unlike a normal respiratory disease that is usually survive a few days, suggests the flu virus quickly and violently.
symptoms are sudden high fever over 39 degrees Celsius, chills, muscle pain, sweating, weakness, headache and sore throat, runny nose and dry cough. While the flu can lead some to death, shows hardly with other symptoms. Because of the already weakened immune system, bacterial infections, such as additional otitis media in children and lung infections occur mainly for the elderly and chronically ill patients can be life threatening. In one year alone to die with a "normal" flu season in Germany 5000-8000 people from the consequences.
The definite diagnosis by virus detection can be made for example of a nasal or throat swab, or by detection of antibodies in a blood test.
flu can not be treated causally. Who should have caught the virus, and in any case go to the doctor early, avoid physical exercise and comply with strict bed rest. In addition, nasal drops, expectorant, or fever-reducing drugs are taken. Drugs that inhibit the spread of pathogens to the mucosa of the respiratory tract, is available as powder, capsule or juice. So-called neuraminidase inhibitors such as oseltamivir are particularly useful in patients at risk for complications. By blocking a viral messenger prevents the agent that dangerous viruses in human cells can invade and multiply. Antiviral drugs should be possible to 48 hours after the first symptoms. For bacterial infections, additional antibiotics are used. In the naturopathic medicine, we use enzymes / vitamins / Pflanzenpräperate that help mostly without any side effects.
The voluntary vaccination is still the most effective form of flu prevention. The vaccine is put together each year, because the pathogens change constantly. Expert Working Group Influenza (AGI) keep the vaccine for people at risk even now quite reasonable. The full immunity is reached only two weeks after the injection. This is what the pharmaceutical. My opinion: take in the cold months, a sufficient vitamin C and echinacea, ideal as a food supplement. Eat plenty of vegetables and salads and fruits. To get through the danger period is best.
risk group
experts put the number of persons at risk in Germany at around 27.5 million. In addition to older people over 60 are also people with a weakened ex-defense system or underlying diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes or chronic lung diseases.
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