Our lungs - their structure and function
The air is a substance, without which no creature can live long. If it's good, it gets to health;. But if it constituted contrary to nature, they destroyed the same "doctor
Berg KA Kortum 1800
oxygen is the basis of all life. Hardly a process in the body functions without the gas. Via the airways a person takes daily 10,000 and 20,000 liters of air - a fifth of it is oxygen. In the course of metabolic processes occurs constantly Carbon dioxide (C02) in the body. This gas is exhaled with every breath from the lungs. Every day is moving about 20,000 times the human lung An adult breathes per breath while about half a liter of air in and out. Normal is 12-18 breaths per minute. increase in severe physical work or sport but clearly the respiratory rate and tidal volume on.
windpipe (trachea)
over mouth and nose, the air passes into the pharynx and trachea. Strong, hoof-iron-shaped cartilage reinforce the tube and prevent the main oxygen line is injured limb or pulled the trigger.
The chest shall the trachea into right and left branch (main bronchus). Both branch into the lungs further and further into numerous small branches (bronchi and bronchioles). The bronchi are not only used as an air distributor, but also used to capture debris and pathogens. But they have a special membrane that produces a viscous mucus. Inhaled particles and dust from sticking to it. Also located in the mucous membrane of billions of tiny cilia. They move like corn stalks in the wind and carrying the slime and dirt back out of the lungs. The mucus is coughed up or swallowed reflexively involuntarily.
The lungs fill the chest from almost complete and is divided into the left and right (slightly larger) lung. Both have roughly the shape of a cone, its tip is located directly under the collarbone. With the wide basis, they are the diaphragm (diaphragm) on. This is the most important breathing muscle - a muscle plate that separates the abdomen from the chest cavity.
air sacs (alveoli)
The lungs are divided into numerous lobes and lobules. A turn consists of many lobules air-filled lung sacs (alveoli). Every human being has about 300 million of them. This refers to the actual gas exchange place with the blood: It takes oxygen from the inhaled air and releases carbon dioxide in the bubbles.
mechanics of breathing
The inside of the chest is lined with a skin (pleura = pleura). The lung is covered with a skin (pleura). Between the two is a thin liquid film. This allows the lungs and chest move against each other, but not fully addressed each other. The lung does with so any movement of the chest. Inhalation is an active process that is facilitated by muscle movement. Among the most important respiratory muscles include the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm. Apart from this "respiratory pump" there are a number of other muscles, which are also involved in breathing. These include the breast and the Rükkenmuskulatur. They are also called auxiliary respiratory muscles. Through the interplay of these muscles of the chest is expanded. Since the lungs can not remove from the chest, it is also unfolded. In the lung, the result is a vacuum and the inhaled air is drawn. The exhale relax the respiratory muscles, causing the chest again narrows and compresses the air from the lungs. This process can be supported by active tensing the abdominal muscles. •
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