of headache - migraine?
migraine is a disease that is associated with headache and accompanying physical symptoms. Migraine is more than just a headache. Affected suffer from unpleasant and irritating accompanying symptoms such as hypersensitivity to sound and light, and nausea, which can lead to vomiting. In the run, in the context of the so-called "aura" may occur cognitive problems. The mostly unilateral headache are very strongly felt like the report of a patient shows.. The pain hits me like a punch shot through me like lightning and thunder It's outrageous a roar like a jackhammer cannonballs raining from my heart against.. bony skull. He seems to explode. tumbling, awful nausea .... just no light. " Nearly 15 percent of women and seven percent of men have migraines. It is true that a migraine is not curable, but it can be successfully treated. Especially in recent years, migraine research has produced new, effective treatment options and side effects. Not every headache is automatically a migraine. There must be certain symptoms to the doctor's diagnosis of "migraine" is. He distinguishes them from other types of headaches.
How is a migraine headache as the
a disease with attacks of headache and accompanying physical symptoms is. In understand migraine attacks neurologists as recurring headaches. The headache is throbbing and pulsating and connect one end to the rule. Frequently changes sides of the headaches of a migraine attack to the next or even during an attack. Sided pain also occurs at the same time. The attack is often accompanied by other physical symptoms. This may include:
- loss of appetite
- nausea and vomiting
- light, noise and odor sensitivity
- Temporary neurological deficits including paralysis, impaired vision and balance disturbances ("aura" or (used to be called) "Migraine accom- pagnée "). Between the Mi-gräneattacken disappear headache. Before and after the attacks may cause changes in mood, appetite, fluid balance and bowel function. For these particularly distinctive features is derived also from a checklist that can provide initial evidence that an interested party actually suffers from migraine. Because migraine often is accompanied by other types of headaches or confused with, we recommend that headache patients to consult a qualified doctor, for a correct diagnosis is the first prerequisite for a proper and effective treatment.
Migraine is not curable but can be treated individually effective. Migraine is a complex disease with many possible symptoms, severity and from imprints. Therefore, there can be no blueprint for its treatment. An important first step is the accurate diagnosis by the doctor. For there are many other forms of headache, which all need each also other treatment. In addition, a new occurred or a sudden headache and a serious illness or an emergency and needs of course to point to a treatment of the cause. The migraine treatment should always be customized. It is best done in confidence-based cooperation with the doctor who can decide which treatment of the persons concerned to appear successful. Migraine can be treated effectively, which improves the quality of life of those affected considerably. What medications for which patients are appropriate depends on the severity of migraine attacks. Headache experts set against a mild migraine attack in the rule other medicines, as against medium and heavy attacks. Important can, leave your cervical vertebrae C 1 and C 2 (C = cervix) investigate, often caused by tension and false accounting, changes form which can then ultimately to affect migraines. You should also make sure the blood flow in the head to stimulate, for example, by high doses of gingko. Your water consumption should not be less than 2 liters daily. Of course, very important is the balance of your mind, you should have a lot of stress in this regard as within your relationship or with other family members, it would be useful first to strengthen your nerves with the most passion flower. Opportunities exist to provide relief by acupuncture. Straight in the treatment of moderate to severe migraine attacks today are several new drugs available to combat not only head pain but also prevent the associated symptoms of migraine such as nausea and light or noise sensitivity. In addition, there are some useful strategies that go beyond the treatment of acute pain. These complementary measures are primarily used to prevent migraine. In severe cases this can find non-drug treatments can also prevent with medication may be useful. Talk to me your doctor or health professional. •
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