Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Walkthrough Mount & Blade Wedding Dance

Positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement, appendix:
gain is a term used in behavioral biology and psychology, especially from the behaviorism. This is an epistemological position that is assumed that the behavior of humans and animals using the methods of science can be studied. He is understood therefore as a
theory of the science of behavior, behavioral science and behavioral analysis. There is intermittent and continuous reinforcement.

Pawlowosche addressing the needs pyramid, because there lies the foundation of behaviorism ...

Schremer (FJ) speaks in "Methods of Change" by the behavior shaping (shaping) and response chaining (chaining) and strategies (2005, p. ff 72):
"was, if a desired target behavior has not yet or no longer shown it can not be followed by an amplifier. One way is to strengthen already behaviors that are associated with the target behavior, and progress is made towards the target behavior ...."


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